oil for augers

  • MikeLarson
    Posts: 87

    Just courious what everyone else uses for their auger i just use the jiffy oil and if their are any oils that make the auger run faster or better so on just checking thanks

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Amisoil 100:1 2 seasons at that mix with zero problems. On my 4th gallon of gas this year and the solo keeps right on screaming!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Ams 100:1 for about 5 years. I mix around 80:1

    Works great for me in my auger and weed whip.

    (non-eth gas and seafoam)

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    I’m another Amsoil Saber guy but at 80/85:1 instead of 100:1 with non-eth gas and Seafoam additive.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    E85 with the cheapest oil I can find, mixed 24:1.

    OK. Kidding. I just like to be different.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Same here Amsoil Saber mixed at about 80:1 in my Solo

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Amsoil Saber pro here to at 80:1

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    Amsoil Saber 1 oz. to 1gal. 91 oct no oxy. which is about 90/1 and Startron

    Posts: 493

    Amsoil sabre at 80:1 This is in my jiffy stealth.Little smoke and no oil out the exhaust.

    Posts: 30

    Remember to put at least 1/2 gallon of prenium in your car or truck before you mix you oil and gas. There is about 2/10th of a gallon in that hose before your prenium nonethanol comes out. Unless you have a pump that is prenium only. But that has been a few years ago. Jerry

    Posts: 1960


    Amsoil Saber 1 oz. to 1gal. 91 oct no oxy. which is about 90/1 and Startron

    Help me understand this. If there are 128 ounces in a gallon and you add 1 ounce of oil…..Wouldn’t the ratio then be 128:1?


    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    Sorry my mistake,looked at the wrong side of the bottle.
    hope no one followed my advice.
    I go by the gallon mark and add just a hair more.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Its kind of hard to be exact with such a small mix ratio. I feel like a mad scientist every time I mix a batch. Especially when I only mix a pint!

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    That is what so great about Amsoil. Mixing at 80 to 1 there is a greater margin of error that wont effect the running of the machine.
    Tip: Become a preferred customer get get %25 off. That can be $11 of per gallon or if one is up in Duluth pop over to Superior and fill on bulk up at the Amsoil plant at a discount

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985


    That is what so great about Amsoil. Mixing at 80 to 1 there is a greater margin of error that wont effect the running of the machine.
    Tip: Become a preferred customer get get %25 off. That can be $11 of per gallon or if one is up in Duluth pop over to Superior and fill on bulk up at the Amsoil plant at a discount

    I should have done that long ago. I have used a lot of product in my snowmobiles and boats over the years.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    I have never had a problem with the strikemaster oil that you mix with a gallon of gas. I figure if strikemaster will put there name on it its good enough to run in their augers.

    Posts: 674

    I’ve also been using the amsoil in my Jiffy for several years mixed at about 80:1. Much less smoke and my bibs don’t smell like rotten 2 stroke at the end of the year (hopefully they do smell like rotten fish though). I don’t see me switching back. I bought a little bigger bottle of it a while back and it will take quite a while to go through it for as little as you need to mix.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    For guys that are going to try it now make sure you mix it really well. When you add it to gas it goes right to the bottom and requires vigorous mixing. Once done it stays mixed but I always give it a shake in the can before filling. I know a guy that burned his auger down the first time using it. It was either a coincidence or he didnt mix it correctly.

    Posts: 169

    Amsoil Sabre, also running 80:1. Lazer Mag loves it.

    Posts: 493

    Make sure you get the amsoil sabre professional. They also sell pillow packs you just add to 1 gallon of gas and it is mixed 100:1.

    Posts: 2596

    Eskimo auger, Eskimo 50-1 oil, kwik trip non-ethanol premium recreational gasoline. Has been running like a raped ape two seasons now.

    Posts: 24

    I have been using a 50:1 mix in my Eskimo mako auger and I am getting a build up of oil residue from the exhaust. I think my next batch will be Amsoil, and try a 80:1 mix.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985


    What would be 80:1 in a 1 gallon jug 3 oz.? Im ready to try out my new Nils this weekend and don’t want to mess up the motor even though it has a 9 year warranty


    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    What would be 80:1 in a 1 gallon jug 3 oz.? Im ready to try out my new Nils this weekend and don’t want to mess up the motor even though it has a 9 year warranty

    What you using for oil, Amsoil? Amsoil saber is:


    AMSOIL Saber 100:1 2-Cycle Oil is recommended for 100:1 mix ratios in normal service. Richer mix ratios may be used where desired.

    2.6 oz. per 1 U.S. gallon 50:1

    8 oz. per 5 U.S. gallons 80:1

    1.3 oz. per 1 U.S. gallon 100:1

    8 oz. per 6 U.S. gallons 100:1

    Off their website.

    If your using a standard 2 Cycle oil I would go with what the manufacture suggest I dont think there is any standard 2 cycle oil out there that can run at 80/1

    Posts: 4033

    Good info!

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    I wouldn’t break in a new motor with Amsoil. You need to seat the moving parts. I would use a good 2 stroke oil and mix the first gallon of gas 50/1. Once it’s broke in then switch to Amsoil 100/1. Check the Amsoil web site and see what they say if your not sure.

    Posts: 4033


    Why not

    Because if there was to be a problem off the bat and the mfg asks what oil ratio you used and you say 80:1 or 100:1 they will void your warranty on the spot. Some claim amisoil has a warranty of their own and will replace your auger, but that sounds like a lot of loops to jump through when it is not needed.

    When I buy a new auger (or any 2 stroke mix engine) the first couple tanks will always be with the oil recommended for the engine just in case. After its been proven to run okay for a while, amisoil is where its at.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501



    Why not

    Because if there was to be a problem off the bat and the mfg asks what oil ratio you used and you say 80:1 or 100:1 they will void your warranty on the spot. Some claim amisoil has a warranty of their own and will replace your auger, but that sounds like a lot of loops to jump through when it is not needed.

    When I buy a new auger (or any 2 stroke mix engine) the first couple tanks will always be with the oil recommended for the engine just in case. After its been proven to run okay for a while, amisoil is where its at.

    Its a good precaution to fallow.
    Though, I did not fallow that precaution and was fine breaking my auger in with Amsoil at 50/1 for the first half tank full.
    Its a preferential decision you must decide for yourself but I would recommend fallowing the manufactures advice for break in. Don’t fallow the monkey see monkey do.

    Kalispell, MT
    Posts: 11

    For the easiest method, I use VP Racing Fuels SEF 94 small engine fuel. It comes pre-mixed in either 40:1, 50:1 or straight gas for 4 strokes. You can buy in 1 quart, 1 gallon and larger containers.

    I keep the one quart bottles so I always have a can with me. No mix, no mess.

    It is non-ethanol fuel, 94 octane and has an unlimited shelf life unopened, and 2 years once you open it. You do not need to worry about Stabil, or Sea-Foam…leave it in all summer and it starts like you ran it yesterday.

    It is expensive (and there are other similar products like Stihl, True Fuel etc.) but I have trusted VP racing Fuels since the early 80’s and they have never failed me.

    It was originally developed in conjunction with emergency service crews who were having trouble with ethanol fuel in their jaws of life and generators. If you want THE best fuel option for your small engines, this is it.

    I am their Montana distributor and have sold a LOT of fuel to guys and to a man, they claim old augers run better, idle better, use less fuel and they all came back and bought more.

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