Marcum lx7 or hummingbird ice 55

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Hello. Looking at maybe getting a new flasher. Is there much of a difference between the marcum lx7 and hummingbird ice 55. I see reeds has the marcum on sale for $599 and the hummingbird for $450 with free shipping. I know there are lots of marcum lovers on here and that’s what I was leaning towards until the past couple of months when reading many posts of problems with their Marcums. Thanks.


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Do yourself a favor and at the very least look at the two of them side by side in a retail setting. Compare specs, aesthetics, and everything else. While you won’t be able to get a good feel for response and sensitivity, you’ll have a better idea of what you’re getting into either way. A few years ago we ran the Marcum High Power Challenges. One of every major mfrs. flasher out on the ice for all to try in real fishing situations. I wish that existed today as on-ice performance is the true measure of any sonar’s capability.

    As for the Marcum posts, it’s true, there are people that have issues with their electronics. The problems vary about as much as the people and their reasons for posting them. Some genuinely are looking for help and resolution. Others are pot-stirrers. More still are looking to apply some “internet-pressure” on a company into getting a unit replaced. In some instances the mfr. is at fault, in others, it’s the result of abuse or improper use.

    However, the one constant, in all of the posts, is that all things Marcum, good and bad, reside here because this forum has the most amount of collective experience with that brand. People here are helpful for the most part, so folks know that posting their issues on IDO results in quick resolution, be it user error, electronics failure, or anything in between. All posts are left up provided people can have a civil discussion and follow forum rules. I can’t think of a single other place with as experienced and knowledgeable a user-base for other mfrs. units where that transparency exists.

    It pays to do the research you’re doing, it’s a big investment. Keep an open mind with all units, and you’ll land where you land. Good luck in making your decision!


    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    I don’t know anything about either, but an earlier post “need advice” please has the 55 at $385 at the show. FYI only.

    Posts: 493

    I think the features on the lx7 would be great and being able to have a graph mode for open water would be nice. The separation on the 7 is much better then the bird. Like said take a look at both in the store and check out their simulator modes. Gives a good idea on what the display looks like. Both have capability of customizing the display to your liking. Good luck

    West Bend, WI
    Posts: 33

    I’ve owned a Ice 55 and now own a LX 5 in my personal experience the Marcum was a much better unit. So if the 7 is anything like the 5 it will kick the birds butt.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Chad, most importantly, you need to know what your expectations are on the unit for your applications. I jumped into the LX-9 this year for a number of reasons – of which a few are specific to the DVR functions.
    I made my final decision on the Marcum based on the digital format, higher resolution, and much better separation. Now that I have well over 100 hours on it, I can’t imagine fishing without it. The level of detail in separation is absolutely incredible. Unfortunately, I don’t have any screen shots that I can easily post, but I’ll be adding some video shots this upcoming week. I was in a hole of 32fow and had a wall of channel cats swim by that was 8 feet tall. Seriously, there was at least a 1000 kitties about 16 to 24″ long. I could easily follow a W-5 jig rap through the entire column of fish and see the separation of fish and lure. If you can get a chance to meet up with someone on the ice that has one, do it. Very impressive technology!

    waconia, mn
    Posts: 132

    I own an ice 55 and love it. That being said I got it before the lx7 came out. After using the lx7, hands down I would go with the lx7. Problems or not it is 10 times the unit compared to a vexilar or hummingbird. The hummingbird is great for reading fish body language with the 6 color palet and has all the bells and whistles…column zoom,duel angle cone, led backlight, etc. the hummingbird is a great unit for the price but I would say the lx7 is elite. It’s alittle more$$ but is a the top of the line unit for serious fisherman

    Posts: 21

    i have ice 55 my buddie has lx7 both work great 55 has a depth graph that we use for quick depth checks but the lx7 has a better read on fish at the bottum 1 ft i would go marcum if i do it agin ,

    Posts: 4033


    i have ice 55 my buddie has lx7 both work great 55 has a depth graph that we use for quick depth checks but the lx7 has a better read on fish at the bottum 1 ft i would go marcum if i do it agin ,

    What do you mean by a depth graph on the 55?

    Posts: 118

    I sold a 55 and bought a 7. The 55 was a great machine for me. The seven has more of a learning curve and way more features. If marcum comes out with a color showdown next year, I am planning to buy one. If not, a 55 is in my future as a back up machine. I like the 55 better than the 7 outside of the tent.
    James did a pretty thorough review on the 55 a while back.

    Posts: 493



    i have ice 55 my buddie has lx7 both work great 55 has a depth graph that we use for quick depth checks but the lx7 has a better read on fish at the bottum 1 ft i would go marcum if i do it agin ,

    What do you mean by a depth graph on the 55?

    digital readout I think is what he is saying. If there is a color showdown that unit will sell like mad!

    Posts: 105

    I have an LX-7, and after nearly a season of use on it I must say I like the idea of the LX-7 much better than the actual execution of it.

    There are many many features that I have become accustomed to on a digital flasher that are absent or poorly implemented.

    Granted, it has great target separation, but in all honestly if I had my money back in my pocket I would really think about getting the HB.

    The screen on the HB is huge, digital depth, and flexible zoom. Its nearly everthing the LX-7 offers, but without the cluster**** of the software coming out of Marcum.

    I spent a lot of money on my LX-7, and overall am pretty happy with it (my last ice flasher was a Lowrance Ice machine), but IMO, its too much money for an unfinished product.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644


    There are many many features that I have become accustomed to on a digital flasher that are absent or poorly implemented.

    The screen on the HB is huge, digital depth, and flexible zoom. Its nearly everthing the LX-7 offers, but without the cluster**** of the software coming out of Marcum.

    I just sold my Hbird ice 55. It has a b grade dual beam, marginally adjustable zoom, terrible separation and self noise issues in deeper water. And, it can’t handle plankton blooms, every ice55 I’ve seen essentially lights up like a pinwheel in that situation..

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I’ve never fished the HB 55 so I really can’t really compare the two, but I do own the 7 and am head over heels in love with it.

    Not a being a huge techno geek, for me havng all the bells and whistles is not a priority, but my time on the water with this unit has quickly taught me a ton about how a different set-up can make a huge difference depending on the situation. Everyone has their own preferences of what they like (chart, showdown style vertical bar, flasher, etc.) Heck, in just in the past 3 weekends I have fished 3 completely different set-ups… Walleyes and perch – chart with a vertical zoom set right to the bottom; Brown Trout and Splake – Vertical zoom set to bottom and a flasher covering the entire water column; Panfish in shallow water – Old school flasher mode. The beauty of this unit is that it can be adapted to just about any situation while accomodating everyone’s personal own personal style

    Posts: 493

    They sure have it figured out! Guy from work said his 55 will pick up a school of fish and then set that as the bottom on his display…I think comparing the lx7 and 55 is not even close. Should be comparing the 597cihd and lx7…At least it would be digital to digital and different window options.My buddy has the bird and it is impressive to say the least. Plus it has gps built in…Prices are more comparable too…

    Posts: 252

    I have the LX6, fished with the LX7, and the bird ice 55. In part this is not a good comparison on features as your going from mechanical to digital.

    I wouldnt say the Marcums are superior but that they are a few steps ahead in features.

    I happen to be very fond of my bird unit and use it for hole hopping alot. The 6 color display are bright and crisp. It doesnt have the target sep that the Marcum has but doesnt matter to me most of the time. The zoom feature could be a lot better though and I hope humminbird will tweak that in the future new units.

    Posts: 105



    There are many many features that I have become accustomed to on a digital flasher that are absent or poorly implemented.

    The screen on the HB is huge, digital depth, and flexible zoom. Its nearly everthing the LX-7 offers, but without the cluster**** of the software coming out of Marcum.

    I just sold my Hbird ice 55. It has a b grade dual beam, marginally adjustable zoom, terrible separation and self noise issues in deeper water. And, it can’t handle plankton blooms, every ice55 I’ve seen essentially lights up like a pinwheel in that situation..

    Have you used an LX-7? It’s beta software at best. If it was google, they would still be calling it alpha.

    Posts: 4033




    There are many many features that I have become accustomed to on a digital flasher that are absent or poorly implemented.

    The screen on the HB is huge, digital depth, and flexible zoom. Its nearly everthing the LX-7 offers, but without the cluster**** of the software coming out of Marcum.

    I just sold my Hbird ice 55. It has a b grade dual beam, marginally adjustable zoom, terrible separation and self noise issues in deeper water. And, it can’t handle plankton blooms, every ice55 I’ve seen essentially lights up like a pinwheel in that situation..

    Have you used an LX-7? It’s beta software at best. If it was google, they would still be calling it alpha.

    Maybe you have not seen the update? It is now fully working.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Have you used an LX-7? It’s beta software at best. If it was google, they would still be calling it alpha.

    3.17, the current version, is awesome.

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