Any arguement against the Ion most likely goes against what it’s built for, 40 holes or less. If you’re a fisherman who drills over 40 holes an outing, then this auger isn’t for you. I fish familiar lakes, so I don’t drill more than 40 holes as I have a decent idea of where the fish should be. The whole warming the battery arguement is moot, so takes an extra 30 seconds to take the battery out of a warming case or wrapped up in a sportsman’s caddy, the fact that I can instantly drill holes is priceless, no warmup period, no worries if I put the auger back down on the right side, no worries if it will leak gas all over in my vehicle, etc
it’s situational, but it’s exactly what I need it to be…I would recommend it to anyone who doesn’t drill more than 40 holes an outing…