ION auger review

  • mar-80
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    So I ended up buying the Ion electric auger. I was a bit skeptical, but was drawn to the no mixing of fuel, no smell, and how light the unit is. I have had it out a few times now and it has worked as advertised. The auger is shorter at 36″ than a normal auger, but does come with a 12″ extension. I have drilled through 20″ of ice no problem. With the extension drilling from a ice shack/wheel house would be no problem. I have drilled 30 holes on one charge so far, although I will say that you have to keep the battery warm and cold days, which I was aware of. I had it sitting outside in 15 degree weather for a couple hours and when I tried to use it again it would cut for a couple seconds then quit then start again. After warming the battery a bit it worked perfect. It drills surprisingly fast and breaks through the ice smoothly. At 22lbs my wife and kids could operate it. Anybody can pull the tigger. Overall this is a great auger if you don’t have to drill a ton of holes. No gas smelling hands, no mixing gas and oil, no fumes in the ice house…it’s a winner.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I’m not familiar with the Ion but I suppose it is much like the Ice Gator and from what I here they are working out as a great tool.
    Ive been intrigued by these battery operated augers for some time now. Nice to here a review from another brand.
    Certainly can see the bennies over the traditional gas auger.
    Does the ION have reverse? Are you also able to charge off the vehicle?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    No reverse, and I don’t think you can charge it off your vehicle..not 100% positive though.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Wondering what type of safety feature does it have. Is there both a switch for turning it on and a throttle switch? With out both I would be worried about something hitting the throttle during transportation or other wrong time. Cant tell you how many times i hear power tools start up in the back of my work vehicle while driving down the road.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    There is a switch that you have to push in before you can depress the trigger. It also has a delay before it starts.

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    I am glad the Ice Gator does not have a safety. I’ve had mine for three years and never had an accidental start. Also, no delay, push the button and go.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Great review. This thing caught my interest and wanted to know more about it. Thanks!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    No problem

    Posts: 216

    How many years do you think the batteries will last with just using them 3 to 4 months a year and how much are replacement batteries.I have been thinking of buying 1 myself and battery life is a consern as the batteries them selves are normaly very pricey.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13442

    Are they variable speed or basically on/off? Kinda figured someone would of thought enough to put some type of safety on the switch.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    You are supposed to get 800 recharges from one baterry, and replacement batteries are $150. I would think that you would get 6-8 years out of a battery????

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    Basically on/off.

    Posts: 1

    I was so disappointed in this product I have been creating froum accounts just to post my experience and review..

    Purchased this auger as an avid ice fisherman and jigger. This thing is not made to handle the cold. The battery MUST be kept warm for optimal use. I have emails from Ion stating it needs to be kept at least 40deg.. It will pop your first holes ( I do 20) with ease. But if the battery is left out in the cold on the auger for a couple hours and then try to use it, it will start to drill and roughly 5secs in will cut off.. This means the battery is dead due to the cold.. What this means is you have to remove the battery and lug the brick around in your pocket while not in use. If you have a heated shanty, that would work too. I have neither as Im always on the move. I have also heard of the plastic handles shattering into pieces if dropped in the cold. None of this is mentioned in their advertising. Pretty sad they mislead customers so badly. Mine was returned from where I purchased it.

    Emails to/form Ardisam:


    Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 5:43 PM

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: Ion Auger

    Hello there,

    I recently purchased the new highly hyped Ion Auger.

    I took it out today for the first time and have to say it cut my fist 10 holes with ease.

    After setting the auger down on the ice for a couple hours, which i assume is ok as i see it being done in your official video on your website.

    I picked it up to drill some more holes and it would drill for about 5 seconds then stop. I checked my battery, and it had two bars. Should have been fine.

    Is this a defect in the product, battery, or both.

    This put a huge damper on my day as I am an avid jigger and was unable to drill new holes…

    Overall the experience was a huge disappointment.

    Im hoping there is an easy fix to this issue that you can fill me in on.



    From: “Ardisam INFO” <[email protected]>

    Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 12:09:27 PM

    Subject: RE: Ion Auger


    We have found (after the video was made) that the battery must be kept warm. The core temperature needs to be about 40 degrees.

    When you take the auger out on the ice and after you drill the first holes, take the battery off and put it in your pocket or in a heated ice shelter or vehicle. Then when you want to make another bunch of holes, the ION should work just fine.

    Make sure your battery is fully charged by leaving it on the charger in the house or heated garage overnight.

    If you do all this and still have problems, please let me know.

    Best regards,

    Customer Service Manager

    Ardisam, International

    [email protected]

    800-345-6007 ext 126

    Fax 715-822-2223

    Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CTS


    Posts: 4033

    That does not make any sense. Li-ion batteries do not die because of cold. I’ve had my drill batteries outside now since november and its been below 0 quite a few times. Every time I go to use it, its over 90% charged.

    Again, does not make any sense what so ever.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    An auger has to work in the cold. Period. My first exposure to the Ion auger was on Upper Red fishing with Will Roseberg back in December. Danny from Outdoor Authority drove out from Rogers to where we were fishing in 9′ of water… maybe a mile. Temps were 10 degrees. The auger was warm when it left shore. By the time it got to us after being strapped to the wheeler it was too cold to punch even the 1st hole. Basically the auger would start to spin and the motor would cut out after an inch or two. Dead.

    We ran into the same issue with an Ion last week up on Mille Lacs during additional testing. The temps were roughly 25 degrees. The Ion would not cut a complete hole through 2.5′ of ice without shutting down multiple times. Again… cold battery.

    This is an issue any manufacturer will need to overcome if the plan is to use lithium ion batteries to power the auger.

    The idea is a good one for those looking for an auger to punch a limited number of holes. They’ll never replace gas augers but there is a market for this type of product. From what I’ve seen there’s some serious R&D yet to be done before I’d consider a Li powered auger ready for wide spread use.

    Posts: 115

    seems like the perfect auger if you have a perm shack and are looking to pop your holes with out stinking up the place and then be done drilling for the day.

    Posts: 4033

    If you take these “Dead” batteries and warm them up, do they then work? Wonder if it is the motor cutting out from being too cold or the battery? Li-ion should not die in the cold, never. They are good to like -40. Has to be something in the motor.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    If you take these “Dead” batteries and warm them up, do they then work? Wonder if it is the motor cutting out from being too cold or the battery? Li-ion should not die in the cold, never. They are good to like -40. Has to be something in the motor.

    Yup, you warm them up and they work. Of course warming a battery pack is far from a quick process. From my experience you should plan on 30+ minutes, minimum, to get one warm enough in an ice house to make a difference. Longer to get it back to what I would consider a fully operational state. It is the battery and not the motor. If you pull a cold-dead battery out of the auger and put in a warm one you’re back in the game.

    While Li batteries “should” be good to -40 degrees… the batteries used in the Ion augers are not. They’re very sensitive to cold temps. I would imagine this is something that will be addressed over the summer and an issue that any other manufacturer that comes out with a Li auger will want to address before releasing their product.

    Posts: 52

    I was watching as a guy attempting to cut a hole yesterday on Lake Irivin with a ion. He tried for about 20 min to cut a hole he even tried to get the access snow out with his hand. After a while he just gave up and started to fish a hole that we had made earlier. With the ice condition we have here in North Dakota i don’t think ion are made for the harsh winter condition. I also forgot to mention that we also have to use extension this month because of all the access snow.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    Well guys, after using this auger more and more I am becoming more disappointed in it. I think you are right James, there is a market for this type of auger, but right now it is limited. The best I can get is about 22-25 holes in 20″ of ice. There is no way you will get 40 holes in two feet of ice. I wonder if I can return it still. Either that or sell it and get a strikemaster. Live and learn I guess.

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    Is this a 12v or 24v system? I’m running two 12v 12 amp hour lead acid batteries in my Ice Gator and they are 4 years old now. I’m spinning a 6″ Nils auger with it and it is as fast at the end of the day as it is at the first. The downside is the lead aid batterie are fairly heavy. Can you switch your unit to lead acid batteries?

    Stuart, Iowa
    Posts: 91


    Is this a 12v or 24v system?

    40 volt.


    Posts: 252

    I hope some of you guys at least did some homework before going out and buying such an auger as the ION or any auger in particular at all.

    Being limited, the ION is not an all day run and gun type of auger. I think its great for early and late ice and when your setting up camp and not looking for more then 20 holes a day to drill less then 20″ of ice.

    As for the battery issue you can always remove it and stow it somehow to keep it warm. Maybe use a thermal bag and heated hand packs?

    Aside from the battery issues I think its far better then anything Strikemaster has to offer currently as far as an electric auger. Its lightweight and cuts very well. Understand what you’ll be using it for so you wont be disappointing yourself in the process.

    Posts: 4033

    There was a post on another site of the same thing happening, only his experience was a little different. He had his battery wrapped in a coozie with heat packs. He drilled holes, left the auger outside and then when he went to drill more it died 1″ into the ice. His battery was warm to the touch and the battery said 2 bars.

    I still say its something in the motor or relay that is quitting when its cold.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    Returned the ION today and picked up a SM Lazer Pro 8″

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Aside from the battery issues I think its far better then anything Strikemaster has to offer currently as far as an electric auger.

    Why do you say that?


    Posts: 1960

    I would say that a major point of ANY piece of ice fishing gear is functionality in COLD weather. Poor performance in cold weather would be a major issue with me, as I tend to do my fishing in the winter……

    But then again, if it only performs flawlessly in june, july, and august, it should last several lifetimes…….

    Posts: 252



    Aside from the battery issues I think its far better then anything Strikemaster has to offer currently as far as an electric auger.

    Why do you say that?-J.

    Cause the Strikemaster ones ive seen were slow and cumbersome, and heavy too.

    Can we make an argument that the ION will outdrill the Strikemaster Electra on a single charge of battery?

    Hole count comparison ION vs SM Electra:

    Start and drill comparison ION vs Jiffy propane:

    ION auger eye candy (bikini ice fishing team drill):

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Bonjour. Just because the company puts up some youtube vids you really think the SM is bad? If I get 10 back to back holes out of my SM electric on 20 inch ice, I’m pretty darm happy. I’ll take my $17 battery and switch it out for another before droping 2x the cost on an ION.


    Posts: 252


    Bonjour. Just because the company puts up some youtube vids you really think the SM is bad? If I get 10 back to back holes out of my SM electric on 20 inch ice, I’m pretty darm happy. I’ll take my $17 battery and switch it out for another before droping 2x the cost on an ION.


    You asked for my honest opinion and I gave it. I am no brand loyalty person. Who said anything about Strikemaster was bad? Im a Strikemaster Solo lazer pro owner myself I love it for what it offers. In part my next auger will likely be the Honda Strikemaster lite auger.

    I merely said what the the ION has to offer by far is better. Not only is it faster, drill more holes, its also lighter 22lbs vs 28lbs on the Electra. As far as Ion auger price wise it does not cost wise X2 more then the Electra.

    Go ahead and swap out your batteries if you think that’s what works for you. I for one prefer not to carry 3 to 4 heavy lead acid batteries.

    Now im curious to know what do you think of the ION VS Electra in comparison?

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