I have three different terminal setups. 1# test Suffix orange is only ever used for super finesse, and those tiny jigs are tied direct with a Palomar or Uni-Knot. My most used rigs have 2# yellow Hi-Vis Stren. One is used with jigs that must hang horizontal or at 45 degrees and those get tied tight with the above mentioned knots. Another rod with 2# Hi-Vis Stren gets a medium size fast snap for lures that hang vertically and or benefit from a loose connection allowing movement, (such as Rembrandts, Purists, Rockers, Cecils, Schmoes etc.). The last rig has 3# green Micro Ice and a cross lok snap for lures that have too big of a gap by the eye for a fast snap, such as Slender Spoons, Kast Masters, and Pimples.