THey are driving out. Careful at the landing watched a guy drop through on Sunday. That’s what happens when you drive over an ice heave. Luckly he was only in a foot or two of water. You can get to point no point there is a big ice heave that runs straight out from the rush and goes almost to the channel. As far as the bite. We had a two man limit in two hours on Sunday morning. (before the front came through.) Monday morning….caught one fish in two hours between two guys. I’d say the bite is still slow overall.
at the maiden rock landing there a bad spot your saying??
Yes. You can’t miss it. It’ right as you come on to the lake. The guy must have had his eyes closed. Just need to drive along it for a bit before heading out to the point.
The farthest I’ve seen guys in years past is about 1/2 mile upstream from that heave that is out there this year. Most of the area is ok, but you can never trust a river. Especially with all the strong winds we have had this year.
but fishing bee slow there still way it sounds then?? really slow this year it seems then–but thinking of coming down and trying–last year with ice being so bad never got down either–been 2 years!!
well am no fishing pro here by any means but when i fish and i have in past years–I always fished the flats on WI side more–from MRock id go up the river and stay away from channel and did good–course some days better than others