Everybody knows about the dog days of summer, the sun and scorching heat make fishing downright brutal. But have you heard about the Mid-Winter Blues?
“The blues happen every ice season, but this year they are coming a little later,” reports ICE FORCE Pro-Staffer Joel Nelson.
When snow becomes thick this time of year, it reduces available light to aquatic vegetation, causing plants to decay. This reduces the amount of available dissolved oxygen to fish, creating a doldrum.
When the Mid-Winter Blues strike, you won’t find Nelson headed to premier fisheries all over the state, but rather sticking close to home, fishing more predictable bites on backwater areas and small ponds. Hailing from the driftless region of Minnesota, there aren’t a ton of unpressured lakes to choose from. This is where Nelson puts off-the-beaten-path techniques into play.
Seeking the Spot
The search seems to excite Nelson more than the actual catching, and he has come up with a dynamite recipe for finding mid-winter fish on backwaters and ponds.
Click here to read the rest of the story… http://blog.iceforce.com/fishing-reports/on-ice-report-2-by-joel-nelson/