MarCum LX-9 winner announced

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  • greghuff
    South Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Posts: 134

    Congratulations to Matt Fikes of Utica, New York, for winning our sweepstakes for a $1,199.99 MarCum LX-9 sonar/underwater camera combo unit!

    We’ve given away the MarCum, an Otter ice house and a StrikeMaster/Honda auger.

    What should we give away next?

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Something that doesn’t require me to be a 13yo girl with a facepage account

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    A Skeeter 2025! I would definitely open up a Facebook account and friend IDO for life Congrats to the winner of the LX-9

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    Congratulations to Matt Fikes of Utica, New York, for winning our sweepstakes for a $1,199.99 MarCum LX-9 sonar/underwater camera combo unit!

    We’ve given away the MarCum, an Otter ice house and a StrikeMaster/Honda auger.

    What should we give away next?

    How about that cabbed and tracked sidey by Polaris that James seems to be so fond of as of late? ;-)

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 132

    Must be some sort of mistake…really thought it was mine!

    I’d say go back to the beginning and start over again.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956



    Congratulations to Matt Fikes of Utica, New York, for winning our sweepstakes for a $1,199.99 MarCum LX-9 sonar/underwater camera combo unit!

    We’ve given away the MarCum, an Otter ice house and a StrikeMaster/Honda auger.

    What should we give away next?

    How about that cabbed and tracked sidey by Polaris that James seems to be so fond of as of late? ;-)


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    New York!!!! Get a rope.

    E Ashwell
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 423

    Making a FB page with just your name and never adding a pic or a post and just liking the IDO page isn’t worth it to you? You could even use a fake name.

    Posts: 177

    How about the next winner get’s to go fishing with Holst and the boys!

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786


    How about the next winner get’s to go fishing with Holst and the boys!

    I like this idea a lot! HEll I’d even pay for that oportunity!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    New York??? There isn’t even a New York forum on this site…dang facebook.

    As soon as I get home I am unfriending, untweeting, unmyspacing and unwhatever elsing this site…then having a beer.

    How about a Ranger620 for the next give away! You silly guys with your Skeeters.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    Making a FB page with just your name and never adding a pic or a post and just liking the IDO page isn’t worth it to you? You could even use a fake name.


    Posts: 2596

    I’m so depressed I feel like closing all the vents on my shack and putting the Big Buddy heater on high. (Joking)

    Posts: 2596

    To add double insult to injury, I didn’t even win a hat. Then when I looked on the IDO gear site I found you can’t even buy one…now where did I put that quart of scotch.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I agree that a fishing trip (and maybe even a video appearance) would be pretty cool.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    To add double insult to injury, I didn’t even win a hat. Then when I looked on the IDO gear site I found you can’t even buy one…now where did I put that quart of scotch.

    Just a quart…I thought you MN folks could drink? ;-)

    Posts: 2596

    Alright already, take down those infernal adds for winning a LX9. Are you just leaving them up to taunt us? Or do you plan on giving another one away!

    Winona, Mn
    Posts: 56

    I’d say do another drawing but keep it in the Midwest.

    Keep it local

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Something that doesn’t require me to be a 13yo girl with a facepage account

    Stop being a 30 year old girl.

    Posts: 6

    Looks like i got to save my pennies since i didnt win and congrat to the person that won it.

    Soldiers Grove, WI
    Posts: 58


    I agree that a fishing trip (and maybe even a video appearance) would be pretty cool.


    Hugo, MN
    Posts: 221

    I really wanted to win the LX-9

    I can’t wait for the next giveaway

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651



    Something that doesn’t require me to be a 13yo girl with a facepage account

    Stop being a 30 year old girl.

    Pug is your Pom a male or female? Also do you know anybody with a husky? My girlfriend wants a pomsky and I ain’t paying 3 grand for one.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Congrats to the Lucky winner.
    Have to say, sure wish it would have been me!

    A Huge thanks goes out to IDO and all of it’s sponsers . Without them, we wouldn’t have these FABULOUS giveways which keeps (at least me) busy dreaming all day I might be the next Lucky winner!

    Thompson, ND
    Posts: 17

    Congrats to the winner! As the rest of you have said, I sure wish it was me!

    Mn, United States.
    Posts: 4

    a custom rod and real package with case.

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