
  • toxic11
    Posts: 222

    Finally after studying the map of the local lake for days. I was able to find them. I slowly was losing hope that they are not in this lake. I found a honey hole where I caught this beauty and lost 2 more. This one was 17″. This is my first walleye from under the ice. I was pretty pumped.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 6

    Nice fish dude! Congrats on finding the walleyes and getting them to bite!

    Posts: 126

    Nice work. Always a great feeling putting walter on the ice.

    Posts: 36

    Nice work! Persistence pays off all the time!!

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    Nice fish! Persistance is the key! Feels better when you catch em too, because you have also learned something! Too many people think fishing is just drilling a hole and then dropping a line, well it is I guess if your just fishing socially which is fine to depending on the situation.



    Posts: 963

    Its a great feeling, one will lead to a dozen that will lead to dozens that will leads to hundreds of 1000s more. The more you catch the easier it will get, taking a trip can often shorten your learning curve as more often than not zip code will dictate your catch rates more so than anything else! Nobody like swollowing 100$ gas bills but when your talking 100 fish trips, whats a few extra hours at work! Congrats!

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    Think your hooked now. Wait till you get one over 20″ then 25″ and then …….. well you get it congratulations and I wish you many many more years.

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