If your augers not running well try this

  • fishinfool
    Posts: 788

    My auger just wouldnt keep running, start and die, you know the drill…… Father in-law used some SEA FOAM SPRAY in the carb yesterday and let it set overnight…

    That was enough to do the trick, cleaned out the carb and now runs just fine… easy fix at a cheap rate. he also suggested the mix ratio might be a little to rich as they used to be 24 to 1. I switched it up a little and it seemed to help…

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    24:1 is really rich. I run my solo at 100:1 with amsoil saber synthetic and that sucker screams!

    Posts: 204


    24:1 is really rich. I run my solo at 100:1 with amsoil saber synthetic and that sucker screams!

    +1 except jiffy stx

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 132

    Every two stroke motor you have should have sea foam run through it. You can just add it to the gas.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    How much Seafoam do you run? I know guys that do a very rich tank (like half or full can per tank!), or do you do what is recommended on the can? Do you run it till gone, or run it over multiple days, letting it “soak” between runnings?

    Posts: 357

    No wonder with that 24-1 ratio. Get some Amsoil and go for it.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    I put Sea Foam in everything I have that burns gas other than my truck, so far no problems with anything. I use the directions on the can. I didn’t run my auger at all last year and not yet this year, I’ve got my fingers crossed.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    Every two stroke motor you have should have sea foam run through it. You can just add it to the gas.

    Why? Sea foam is a fuel stabilizer correct? I could see using it if your stuff isn’t getting used but other than that I don’t see a point.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    I was having trouble with my jiffy at the recommended 24:1 ratio. Switched to amsoil at a 50:1 rate and it’s worked like a champ for the last 5 years since.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973



    24:1 is really rich. I run my solo at 100:1 with amsoil saber synthetic and that sucker screams!

    +1 except jiffy stx

    Same here with Jiffy for last several years. I run it closer to 80:1

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 42

    I run amsoil as well at 60:1 and love it. I always use seafoam. In fact, my solo has never seen untreated gas.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    Always used 50:1 in my Jiffy, never any issues in 20+ years

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    I run amsoil as well at 60:1 and love it. I always use seafoam. In fact, my solo has never seen untreated gas.

    Again why? What’s the benefit of running sea foam in every tank?

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    I believe it is more than just a fuel stabilizer. I’ve heard small engine guys call it a tune up in a can. I buy no alcohol premium for all my small engines and automatically treat each 5 gal. can. From the chain saw and log splitter, to the generator and the Hover Craft, they all get Seafoam. I buy it whenever I see it on sale.


    Posts: 4033



    I run amsoil as well at 60:1 and love it. I always use seafoam. In fact, my solo has never seen untreated gas.

    Again why? What’s the benefit of running sea foam in every tank?

    Some points from sea foam

    100% pure petroleum product.

    Works instantly to clean deposits from internal engine parts and remove moisture from oil crankcases and fuel tanks.

    As a fuel system additive, our product will clean carburetors, fuel injectors. Will clean carbon, gum and varnish deposits and add lubricity to fuel, stabilize fuel, and control moisture.

    As an oil system additive,our product controls moisture, gum, varnish and related deposits.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 42



    I run amsoil as well at 60:1 and love it. I always use seafoam. In fact, my solo has never seen untreated gas.

    Again why? What’s the benefit of running sea foam in every tank?

    Stabilizes fuel and keeps engine clean. Keeps carbon from building. Most small engine problems are fuel related, cheap insurance.

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