Lure Lightning

  • Walleyman
    Posts: 4

    Thinking of buying a lure Lightning for my Vexilar to glow my jigs. Please post the what you like or dislike about it? Or any other things you use that glows a jig bright. I currently use an old camera Flash that works good but looking for a modern or easier idea.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Just buy a new, more efficient camera flash. Nothing better for charging jigs.

    Posts: 527

    lindy techniglo tazer thingy. Just clip it on your coat or lanyard and away you go.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496

    UV light always works the best for me…..

    here is a copy/paste from Ice Shanty……

    I have been doing a lot of research on what lights work best for recharging glow in the dark jigs/lures. I searched this site for “uv light” and it came back with three pages of hits. I did not look through them all so this data may already be in here somewhere. Bottom line is you need to find/purchase the right wavelength of light to fully charge your glow jigs to accomplish the maximum amount of absorbed energy.

    Most all the newer fishing gear that are glow in the dark have a product mixed in (rubber type jigs) or painted on called Strontium Aluminate. Before Strontium Aluminate was used they used copper-activated zinc sulfide. You can google both these and/or check out or many other links out on the web for details.

    Depending on the color of jig/spoon you need to charge will determine what the optimum light needed is to get a maximum charge. From the link above this wavelength of light needed will be in the range of 200-450nm (nanometer).

    Confused yet? What this means is if a light is super bright to your eye it is most likely a poor light to use for charging glow jigs. All visible light to the human eye is in the approximate range of 400-800nm. A light in the Ultraviolet (UV) range would be a much better light to charge your glow jigs. UV has a wavelength range of about 100-400nm. Blacklight, or UV-A, is in the range of 315-400nm which is safe and the wavelength range that will work best for recharging your glow jigs.

    UV light below 315nm is dangerous and is known as UV-B (sunburn) 280-315nm, UV-C (germicidal) 185-280nm, and UV-V (ozone producing) 100-185nm.

    When searching for a light make sure you are buying from someone who publishes the wavelength(s) of their light source. Some flashlights actually have several different ranges of LED’s in them so not only could they recharge your jigs, but you can see very well with them also.

    Higher wavelength LED’s tend to be a bit cheaper. When you start getting below 360nm the price seems to go up considerably. Also, the number of LED’s is not important. We have the need to light up the area of a quarter, not the floor of your shanty, so less than 10 LED’s is plenty. Even 1-2 LED’s will work fine in most cases as long as they are of the right wavelength.

    My research tells me that the best wavelength LED to use would be between 350-390nm. If one could find a flashlight with a range of LED light from 350-410nm would not only fully recharge your jigs, but would also be a very good source of visible violet light (400-450nm). For me I usually have a bright white LED headlamp on anyway, so for me paying for a wide range wavelength flashlight would be a waste of money. I have found on the web many UV flashlights for under $15 and several around $6.

    The Bird Man ©

    Posts: 1899


    Blah blah blah blah

    blah blah blah blah

    My research tells me that the best wavelength LED to use would be between 350-390nm. If one could find a flashlight with a range of LED light from 350-410nm would not only fully recharge your jigs, but would also be a very good source of visible violet light (400-450nm). For me I usually have a bright white LED headlamp on anyway, so for me paying for a wide range wavelength flashlight would be a waste of money. I have found on the web many UV flashlights for under $15 and several around $6.

    blah blah blah blah

    Buy one of the little light things designed to charge your lures. It’s really not that hard.

    I think some people find extreme joy in making things as complicated as possible. These people displease me.

    Posts: 4

    This is what the lure lightning website shows..

    Lure Lightning’s powerful array of 5 ultra violet SMDs of various wave lengths, surrounding it’s bright 3 watt white SMD, will ignite all glow colors setting them ablaze with long lasting intensity!

    Posts: 4

    Mr. Kind of rude,
    I have tried all the little flaslight gizmos but nothing has worked better than my $12 camera flash attachment. I just get sick of having to pull it out of my pocket and keep it from falling down a hole, and am always looking to keep up with technology. If you check out the lure lightning website you will see how good this looks. Just wanted to get some feedback before I buy.

    Posts: 1899


    Mr. Kind of rude,
    I have tried all the little flaslight gizmos but nothing has worked better than my $12 camera flash attachment. I just get sick of having to pull it out of my pocket and keep it from falling down a hole, and am always looking to keep up with technology. If you check out the lure lightning website you will see how good this looks. Just wanted to get some feedback before I buy.

    I wasn’t taking any shots at you. Not in the least bit. You had a good question.

    I was voicing my displeasure at the guy who did the whole study with different wavelengths and all of that stuff. It seems like quite a bit of overkill for a guy to go through all of that just to find out that one light makes your lure glow 15 seconds longer.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496



    Mr. Kind of rude,
    I have tried all the little flaslight gizmos but nothing has worked better than my $12 camera flash attachment. I just get sick of having to pull it out of my pocket and keep it from falling down a hole, and am always looking to keep up with technology. If you check out the lure lightning website you will see how good this looks. Just wanted to get some feedback before I buy.

    I wasn’t taking any shots at you. Not in the least bit. You had a good question.

    I was voicing my displeasure at the guy who did the whole study with different wavelengths and all of that stuff. It seems like quite a bit of overkill for a guy to go through all of that just to find out that one light makes your lure glow 15 seconds longer.

    The right type of UV light will make your lures glow longer than a 15 minute difference. Sorry I posted a big explanation, thought others might want to learn why they glow and how to make them glow better from tips that have helped me. Heck, when you are staying at a hotel during your fishing trip, some people bring their lures into the bathroom and leave the light on all night to give it a good charge. With normal lighting, you need long exposure time to make the charge last longer. With UV, you can charge for a minute or so and be good for a very long time.

    Central Iowa
    Posts: 59

    This is what I made,and you don’t have to worry about losing anything,and it will take alot less time then getting something out of your coat and turning it on.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496


    This is what I made,and you don’t have to worry about losing anything,and it will take alot less time then getting something out of your coat and turning it on.

    pure awesome! did you make the case rick?

    Central Iowa
    Posts: 59

    Bought both cases from Radio shack,I think between them both they were $15.
    The whole set up minus the battery was only $23

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496


    Bought both cases from Radio shack,I think between them both they were $15.
    The whole set up minus the battery was only $23

    I seen your post on iowasportsman about this, was meaning to ask if you had a parts breakdown list so someone can build something like this. might attach it to my quickflip3!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    This is what the lure lightning website shows..

    Lure Lightning’s powerful array of 5 ultra violet SMDs of various wave lengths, surrounding it’s bright 3 watt white SMD, will ignite all glow colors setting them ablaze with long lasting intensity!

    Dear Mr. I Want to Circumvent the Advertising Policies. AKA Walleyeman

    You are more then welcome to stay and post on IDo as long as you’re not talking about lure lighting. Hokey Doke?

    If you like, you can PM me and I’ll chat with you all night.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    How does that work Rick? Do you drop the lure down the hole?

    Central Iowa
    Posts: 59

    Yes drop your jig in the hole and you are ready to go.
    The cord coming out the back is for my shack lights to plug into.And when I am done for the day just bring it in and plug into the charger.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i’d love to see the parts list for this…

    Posts: 4

    Not advertising.. I don’t even own one. Just trying to find someone who does own one to tell me how it works.

    Central Iowa
    Posts: 59


    i’d love to see the parts list for this…

    1-7X5X3 project box(radio shack)
    1-5X2.5X2 pproject box(radio shack)
    1-on/off rocker switch(radio shack)
    1- uv led (ebay)
    1-enercell 2-conductor automotive accessory cable(o-reillys/radio shack)
    1-battery(same as a flasher battery)
    I put some foam around the battery just so it would not move around in the box.

    You can probably find other places to get all the above items.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496



    i’d love to see the parts list for this…

    1-7X5X3 project box(radio shack)
    1-5X2.5X2 pproject box(radio shack)
    1-on/off rocker switch(radio shack)
    1- uv led (ebay)
    1-enercell 2-conductor automotive accessory cable(o-reillys/radio shack)
    1-battery(same as a flasher battery)
    I put some foam around the battery just so it would not move around in the box.

    You can probably find other places to get all the above items.

    thanks for the list rick, might have to make me one of these as they seem really handy, more handy than the flashlight.

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    L.L. works great, have 2,very brite.Nice box might have to make one. Hate reaching down to charge with the L.L.I run my lights with the same plug so it’s a no brainer and I’m well knowen for no brains.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496



    i’d love to see the parts list for this…

    1-7X5X3 project box(radio shack)
    1-5X2.5X2 pproject box(radio shack)
    1-on/off rocker switch(radio shack)
    1- uv led (ebay)
    1-enercell 2-conductor automotive accessory cable(o-reillys/radio shack)
    1-battery(same as a flasher battery)
    I put some foam around the battery just so it would not move around in the box.

    You can probably find other places to get all the above items.

    Thanks again for the list Rick. I purchased the rocker and the 2 boxes. The boxes came with a metal sheeting also, so i polished the one up for the flash box, to give a nice mirror reflection and spread the light. I will upload a photo later.

    Nigel Ricci
    Posts: 1

    UV light always works the best for me…..

    here is a copy/paste from Ice Shanty……

    I have been doing a lot of research on what lights work best for recharging glow in the dark jigs/lures. I searched this site for “uv light” and it came back with three pages of hits. I did not look through them all so this data may already be in here somewhere. Bottom line is you need to find/purchase the right wavelength of light to fully charge your glow jigs to accomplish the maximum amount of absorbed energy.

    Most all the newer fishing gear that are glow in the dark have a product mixed in (rubber type jigs) or painted on called Strontium Aluminate. Before Strontium Aluminate was used they used copper-activated zinc sulfide. You can google both these and/or check out or many other links out on the web for details.

    Depending on the color of jig/spoon you need to charge will determine what the optimum light needed is to get a maximum charge. From the link above this wavelength of light needed will be in the range of 200-450nm (nanometer).

    Confused yet? What this means is if a light is super bright to your eye it is most likely a poor light to use for charging glow jigs. All visible light to the human eye is in the approximate range of 400-800nm. A light in the Ultraviolet (UV) range would be a much better light to charge your glow jigs. UV has a wavelength range of about 100-400nm. Blacklight, or UV-A, is in the range of 315-400nm which is safe and the wavelength range that will work best for recharging your glow jigs.

    UV light below 315nm is dangerous and is known as UV-B (sunburn) 280-315nm, UV-C (germicidal) 185-280nm, and UV-V (ozone producing) 100-185nm.

    When searching for a light make sure you are buying from someone who publishes the wavelength(s) of their light source. Some flashlights actually have several different ranges of LED’s in them so not only could they recharge your jigs, but you can see very well with them also.

    Higher wavelength LED’s tend to be a bit cheaper. When you start getting below 360nm the price seems to go up considerably. Also, the number of LED’s is not important. We have the need to light up the area of a quarter, not the floor of your shanty, so less than 10 LED’s is plenty. Even 1-2 LED’s will work fine in most cases as long as they are of the right wavelength.

    My research tells me that the best wavelength LED to use would be between 350-390nm. If one could find a flashlight with a range of LED light from 350-410nm would not only fully recharge your jigs, but would also be a very good source of visible violet light (400-450nm). For me I usually have a bright white LED headlamp on anyway, so for me paying for a wide range wavelength flashlight would be a waste of money. I have found on the web many UV flashlights for under $15 and several around $6.

    The Bird Man ©

    The amount of great info in this is much appreciated. A lot of things have been explained and answered with this. Thank you for the repost.

    Posts: 6687

    Walleye man,

    I’ve had a lure lightning for about 4 years.
    I love it.
    They will stand behind it too. After 1 year it quit working, they send me a replacement immediately.

    Reel up your jig, touch lure lighting button with foot. Glow lure. Drop back down hole.

    It’s always handy and always works.

    1. CameraZOOM-20160103102841053.jpg

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 311

    I have a LL it is well built and works well. my only complaint it the bolt that holds it in (to the flasher) loses it set and then the foot pedal switch is not at the correct angle to operate the switch. So you have to re tighten it

    Posts: 6687

    I have a LL it is well built and works well. my only complaint it the bolt that holds it in (to the flasher) loses it set and then the foot pedal switch is not at the correct angle to operate the switch. So you have to re tighten it

    A single 1/4-20 nut to lock the threads would resolve this. But that is something I don’t do because mine rarely moves. But that’d do it.

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