This is my first fly reel. Looks and feels awesome. My question is, Is there a “free spool” on it?
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This is my first fly reel. Looks and feels awesome. My question is, Is there a “free spool” on it?
Yep, just push in nut/cap screw at the center of the spool
I was going crazy trying to figure it out.
Yep, just push in nut/cap screw at the center of the spool
I was going crazy trying to figure it out.
No problem… I’m jealous you actually have one in hand to play around with already. I only know because I had a chance to play around with one at the ice show.
One of the other features I liked was the clicker. It operates very similar to a clicker on a trolling reel as there is a little screw (that looks like a smaller version of the free spool button) on the outer edge of the reel, just under star gear, but instead of pushing in it slides toward the center of the reel to engage the clicker
Yep, just push in nut/cap screw at the center of the spool
I was going crazy trying to figure it out.
No problem… I’m jealous you actually have one in hand to play around with already. I only know because I had a chance to play around with one at the ice show.
One of the other features I liked was the clicker. It operates very similar to a clicker on a trolling reel as there is a little screw (that looks like a smaller version of the free spool button) on the outer edge of the reel, just under star gear, but instead of pushing in it slides toward the center of the reel to engage the clicker
I can’t seem to get the otter screw to move, thus not being able to engage the “clicker”. I will keep working on it.
I was able to get mine from Joe’s.
Unfortunately they seem to have a myriad of quality control issues at this point!
Also, I’m thinking the handle is going to be a pain when using gloves. And I didn’t like the balance of the reel.
I’m going to hold off on spending the C-note at this point!
I believe that the BB 6061 has a two drag system as well: one drag controls the free spooling feature & the star drag controls the drag while fighting a fish.
I also agree that when mounted on a rod you may have to hold the rod awkwardly so that your gloves don’t come into contact with the reel. I feel the same way about Ice Tech reels as well, you just have to switch to an overhand grip on the rod rather than a pistol style grip. This feels a little uncomfortable for me as I am used to using a pistol grip. I wonder if they could add a little more clearance or angle the support arm differently to allow a pistol style grip.
Unfortunately they seem to have a myriad of quality control issues at this point!
Also, I’m thinking the handle is going to be a pain when using gloves. And I didn’t like the balance of the reel.I’m going to hold off on spending the C-note at this point!
What is the myriad of problems they are having? This reel is so new and not in many fishermens hands and not ice to use them on, cannot believe this. Where did you get your info from? Even if there are problems, Matt from 13 Fish will take care of it whatever it is.
Still no reply on the previous post concerning the Black Betty 6061 quality problem.I talked to Matt this morning and he said there were no issues with either of their BB reels and if someone has a problem he would do whatever it takes to correct the problem.
I was at Thorne Bros last night and they said the BB 6061 is sold out for the year, so I’m going out on a limb here but I would say people are pleased with the product.
I picked up one at the Ice Show and could not be happier with it. I spent 15 or 20 minutes talking to Matt Baldwin. From what I can tell he is more than willing to back up his product. He even offered to convert mine free of charge because I am a lefty. I ended up doing it my self but I firmly believe that if anyone has an issue he will work hard to make things right.
screw to move, thus not being able to engage the “clicker”. I will keep working on it.
FDR – did you get that spooling freely?
my clicker was real tough to move at first but after a few time it moved alittle better my problem is the free spool tention does not seem to work.
The free spool tensioner only has a small range of adjustability. Is it not rubbing the spool at all?
screw to move, thus not being able to engage the “clicker”. I will keep working on it.
FDR – did you get that spooling freely?
Free Spool
Clicker, not yet. But I have tried today.
Here’s a picture with a toothpick tip placed showing the direction to push the clicker switch to engage it.
custumer service has ben great but I still have problems with free spool even after I followed there derections. Was told that the design is for ultalight lures what (Bobby pins or bare hooks) free spool is a problem. I have to admit that I bought this reel because it looked great and is my first inline reel of any kind still like it but there is a few problems.
I was able to order one on-line Monday night from Cabelas. Should be here Thursday.
Here’s a picture with a toothpick tip placed showing the direction to push the clicker switch to engage it.
Thanks that helped me .
I was able to order one on-line Monday night from Cabelas. Should be here Thursday.
You lucked out, today they are back ordered 4-5 weeks
So does any online store carries them in-stock?? I would like to slap one of those on a TUC noodle or dh al dente
Well, I hate to even post this option. I just talked with my buddy, he suggested the Red Rocks Wilderness Store. I just checked and the price made me laugh out loud.
I talked to Joe’s Sports and was told that they would have them at the store after the ice show.
I know that there were limited quantities.
Here’s a picture with a toothpick tip placed showing the direction to push the clicker switch to engage it.
Thanks for the picture, but still no luck. I might take it apart this weekend and see what is going on.
I talked to Joe’s Sports and was told that they would have them at the store after the ice show.
I know that there were limited quantities.
Forget I even mentioned Joe’s. It is not even listed on their website anymore. I guess you could give them a call if you wanted.
Been lurking on here for years but just thought I’d share my input on this product. I was pretty excited to get my hands on one, I’m a sucker for high end precision stuff so this was right up my alley. I picked mine up and was pretty impressed, but after playing with it for a bit I’d have to say it’s a bit flawed and there are some issues with tolerances, not sure if this is due to poor machining or poor design, it is possible the reel needs this “slop” in order to function correctly. I will say my reel does seem to function 100%, drag works, clicker works, free spoil tensioner works, spools spins free and true.
My main gripes have to do with the excessive play in the handle shaft and also the configuration of the drag. I took the reel apart and found the inner bearing on the handle shaft is a nice tight fit, but the outer bearing has at least a couple thousandths of play between the reel body and the bearing, also there is another couple of thousandths play in the brass handle shaft and both inner and out handle shaft bearings. My concern is the play on the outer bearing and reel body is intentional. The drag is a series of discs found near the inner bearing, for the drag knob to inflict pressure it must compress all the components on the shaft that are found between the drag discs and the drag adjustment knob, one of these components is the outer bearing, it must be able to slide in and out on the shaft in order for the drag to function, this seems like a poor design, especially if the excessive slop is needed for it to function. In my opinion a $100 machined reel should not have an noticeable slop on the handle, my $10 plastic deals are tight as can be in the handle, they really missed the mark here.
My next concern is the drag adjustment knob itself, with such little threaded area its wobbles around all loosey goosey as well, really feels cheap when its backed out all the way, just wobbles like crazy. Also if you are not careful and back the knob out too far it will contact the handle, could mess up the finish and simply doesn’t feel good to have metal on metal rubbing, I’ll be tossing a .010” black acetal washer in there when I take it apart again.
The areas where it has been machined and anodized orange look pretty awful for a $100 reel, looks like they did a single pass with a dull cutter, a 2nd light finish pass or fresh cutter would have made all the difference, looks pretty shotty considering its price point.
That’s the bad stuff, the plus is the spool spins absolutely flawless, not a hint of wobble or friction, if only this precision had carried into the handle shaft. Other than the minor machining issues the reel looks killer, it is side heavy but when I put a glove on it didn’t feel too bad and I had no issues with the handle configuration, but that’s just me.
My guess is they will tweak the handle area, maybe try and bring some of it further inboard to reduce the offset weight. Overall a nice reel, even with its issues it’s the nicest one I own, hopefully the next version is better. Not sure if I’ll keep it and try and fix the issues, sell it, or just use it as is, hard to feel the wobble with a glove on but I know its there and it bugs me…..
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