Strike Sensors

  • troutbum
    St. Paul
    Posts: 179

    My buddy and I just picked up our first wheel house. I’d like to keep the place dark and want to invest in a handful of strike sensors this season for my tip ups. I just went on their webpage and they’re sold out. I did a quick search on amazon and came up with no retail sellers, just an ebay sale for some used ones. Whats up with this company? Does anyone know if they have a booth at the show in St. Paul this weekend?

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 42

    check your mail

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I have a bunch of them (8 or 9) that we use for tipup fishing in front of the cabin. They work great for me. Have you checked Gander or Fleet? Both places sold them in the past. It is kind of wierd that the Strike Sensor website has them out of stock. If they are being discontinued, I probably need to order some replacement antenaes and extra keys. I’ve found it is very important to keep the batteries fresh if you want them to work decent at longer distances.

    My neighbor has the old version (white) and they work well for him. Don’t try to match the new pager (yellow) with the old transmitters (white). They won’t work.

    Posts: 66

    I wanted to look hard at these this year and also saw the website was out of stock. I thought maybe it was a note from last year, despite how close we are to winter. I emailed them and got the response “Thank you for your interest in Strike Sensor. Unfortunately we will not be re-stocking this season. Because we are out of inventory, we have no retailers currently selling them either.”.

    I emailed back asking if they’re out of business, or are suspending business operations for a year, or was the business sold? That was a couple days ago and I have no reply. They probably don’t want to answer those questions.

    Either way…kinda sucks.

    Posts: 3

    I was just on their web site and it looks like they are in stock for this year. I hope

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