Ice Reels: Spinning vs Straight line/fly reels

  • bsully23
    Pittsville, WI
    Posts: 68

    I was just wondering everyone’s input on Spinning reels vs Straight line/fly reels since we are beginning to see a greater production and more use of straight line/fly reels. I have purchased a “Ice Tech Razer reel” & Pre-Ordered a “13 fishing 6061 reel to try this year. Although I was currently using “Frabill Bro Series Ice Spinning reels” & have never really experienced major line twist or jig spin with these reels. IDK the retrieve rate of the Frabill reels, but spinning reels such a “Shimano Sienna FD 500” & “Plueger Trion GX-7 4520” have retrieve rates of almost 21 inches per revolution. The closest straight line/fly reel to those are the Ice Tech Razer at 12 inch per revolution and the 13 fishing 6061 at 17 inch per revolution, as we know in deeper water 21 inches compared to 12 inches is a huge difference. So my overall question is how many people feel it is really beneficial to straight line & do you really have problems with jig spin?

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    With spoons and jigging raps the raft and fly reels won’t offer any advantage whatsoever. But for small panfish jigs there’s zero twist which keeps it from spinning that’s where these reels will shine.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    Has anyone ever fished a fly reel side by side next to a spinning reel with the same jigs? Is there an advantage to using the fly reel? I haven’t tried a fly reel before, but it doesn’t make sense to me how it can be better. I’ve spent hours starring at an underwater camera and I’ve never noticed a fish turn away because the jig was spinning. Maybe it is because I use mostly horizontal jigs and usually keep them moving? Just watched a segment with Dave Genz (who I trust has a lot of experience on the subject) and he was using a spinning reel and talking about how he jigs and the lure doesn’t spin. Is it more of a personal preference and making the fight more fun?

    I will hang up and listen.

    Posts: 6259

    I tried a straight line combo the last two days and I have to admit it is different. I like/love the no spin but catching big gils will certainly spin the line some Easy to get rid of but I am fishing 8′ or less. The 3-1 ratio of the reel is perfect, the drag and holding the rod are the hardest part or most different but I can see myself going exclusively straight line for all pan fishing….The fun in the fight with the straight line reel are a blast

    Pittsville, WI
    Posts: 68

    Yea I definitely agree that straight line/fly reels will not be beneficial when using spoons, raps, or most other heavy lures as they tend to keep the line fairly stout. My favorite jigs are 2-5 mm Fiska’s & I feel I very seldom get major line twist using my spinning reels. If I do encounter line twist it seems to stop fairly fast & the fish still seem to have just as much interest.

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    River runs
    I started ice fishing with those type of rods in shallow water, and have never had line twist issues. Fishing shallow water the jig dosent have as much time to twist as it falls down and if it does twist a little it will usually spin itself back out fairly quick. However I have seen them used with minnows and the minnows can swim in circles and create line twist.

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