Pop ups and wind do not mix. Difficult to setup and stake down in the wind. That is if we are talking about the pop I have pictured? Basically a tent with shock corded frame support you assemble onsite.
I have a funny story about a guy I ran into out on the ice last winter. Now before I get going, this isn’t an “anti pop-up” post. Fish in what you want to fish in. That’s not the point of the story…
So this guy was fishing out of a pop up and we started chatting. We talked fishing for a bit and after awhile he was trying to sell me on all the advantages of the pop up; lighter weight. Quick to set up. More room. So I walked over to check it out. Around the perimeter… sand tubes. All 4 sides. As in the kind of sand tubes you throw in the back of a truck for traction to the tune of 40# x 4 tubes.
When I asked him about the sand tubes he said he lost his last pop up to the wind on and wasn’t going to risk a repeat. I still laugh when I think about it. Not about his loss of his previous pop up, more about the sand tube solution and the extra 160# he was hauling around so he could use his “lighter” pop up.
He was right though, his pop up wasn’t going anywhere.