Ice fishing plastics

  • steved
    Posts: 14

    I have been trying to minimize the use of minnows. A lot of discussion lately about the go to lure. What is the “must” have plastics on the ice? A little something to spice up those “must” have lures.

    Eric Pomplun
    janesville, wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    My favorites have been the wedge style in purple with gold flecks or black. CJ&S makes good plastics along with little atom and a lot of smaller places make excellent plastics too.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    1″ Gulp Alive minnows are a must have.

    Posts: 45


    1″ Gulp Alive minnows are a must have.


    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    1″ Gulp Alive minnows are a must have.

    X3 Had the Big Gills hammering them last year.

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496

    northland impulse mayfly works very well!

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    1″ gulp mind blowing

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    There are a lot of good ice plastics out ther right now. One of my go to plastics are the Little Atoms. But someone Worth checking out is Crappie Tom on here. He hand pours some really nice stuff.

    Posts: 372

    How do you guys hook the Gulp 1″ minnows and on what lures do you use them with? Thanks,


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    1″ gulp mind blowing


    you can not use that as your excuse !!!

    See you on the ice this year !!

    Posts: 1899

    I’ve got a wide array of plastics from Little Atoms to CJ&S to gulp. I find myself using the tails that come with the Ratso’s or sticking to the CJ&S more often than I do switching to the other stuff. I guess if you’re catching fish, why switch?

    Mahnomen County, Mn
    Posts: 52

    I see Northland is expanding their line of Impulse plastics, I really see that gaining a foothold on my plastic arsenal this winter. Gulp works, but my goodness does it stink.

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