Is THIS the Ice Reel Many Have Been Waiting For?!

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    One of the things I enjoy most about fishing is the never ending process of striving to improve myself as an angler. Often times improvements in my abilities come from an expanded understanding of a species I’m targeting or a body of water I’m trying to unravel. Other times becoming just a little more productive and successful out there on the ice comes down to refinements in equipment.

    Over the last couple years the use of reels that reduce or eliminate line twist, or “straight lining” as it has come to be called, has quickly become standard equipment for many successful ice fisherman. If you can eliminate line twist small or light baits can be presented in a very precise and natural manner. I’ve added straight line reels to my arsenal in the past couple years and I can attest to the significant improvement in my presentations that have, without doubt, helped me put more fish on the ice.

    For those not familiar with the concept of straight lining or why ice anglers have gravitated so strongly to reels commonly used by fly anglers you might want to read through this thread from In-Depth Outdoors posted 9/27/11 under the title “Fly Reel Advantages” to bring yourself up to speed.

    Fly Reel Advantages – Discussion on IDO

    What you’ll pick up on right away is that the use of a fly reel accomplishes EXACTLY what an ice angler is after… and that is the elimination of line twist inducing coiling caused by spinning reels.

    At the same time you should also pick up on one of the limitations of straight line reels and that is they’re not geared. Or perhaps more accurately they retrieve line at a 1:1 ratio… for every turn of the reel handle the reel spool revolves one time. And this means reels that eliminate line twist work well in shallow water where the amount of line to be retrieve is minimal while using this same style reel in deep water is often considered a literal waste of time. Quite simply the advantage of the elimination of line twist is lost against the extra time it takes to reel up a line being fished in deep water.

    So where am I going with this you ask? What you’ll read next is a quote from the thread I mentioned earlier that should begin to bring this to my point.


    What I’m hoping someone does is takes a fly reel and comes up with a way to add a 2:1 or even 3:1 direct drive retrieve mechanism without adding a bunch of weight. If I could get hands on a 3:1 fly reel I’d swap out every last spinning reel I own on all my ice rods and never look back.

    That was where my head was at regarding straight line reels back in 2011 and my feelings have not changed to this day. If only SOMEONE would build a straight line reel with a multiplied retrieve ratio I’m convinced this new reel would set the ice fishing industry abuzz with excitement over the availability of a product many of us have sought out for years.

    So, to that point I promised! I’ve been leaked some photos of a new straight line reel that WILL be released winter 2012 under the name Black Betty – sold by a company called 13 Fishing out of Tampa Bay, FL.

    Here’s some product drawings to bring shape to this hot little item.

    I’ve also come across a couple photos of prototype reels that show how drawings above turn into a “reel” product. From concept to reality… and I like what I see as this does not look like a poorly made reel. Now, do note that the finished product may look slightly or even significantly different than the prototypes shown here. They are, after all, prototypes.

    I’ve obviously not fished with this reel yet but I’m hot on the trail of a sample so I can see with my own eyes what its all about. I will say this, right now this reel gets my vote for the most intriguing new reel to hit the ice market in a long time and I’m very eager to see it firsthand, feel the build quality and kick the tires so to speak.

    One last thing before I close, I’ve been told this reel will be released in a fairly limited supply this winter. I’m hearing total quantities available will number in the hundreds, not thousands. That said I’ll do some digging to find out which retailers will have them available and when. What I do know is when they are released at retail, if there’s only a few hundred available, if you want one this winter you’ll need to be Jonny on the Spot to get one.

    I’ll report back when I hear or come up with anything new!

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    That reel looks exactly like what all of us have been dreaming of! The rush to buy these is going to be crazy.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 314

    Looks interesting! Isn’t Frabill also rolling out a geared fly type reel also?

    Posts: 1899

    I hope I’m not going to have to get in line with all of the other suckers on Black Friday to get one, although Black Betty Friday would make a good slogan.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Looks interesting! Isn’t Frabill also rolling out a geared fly type reel also?

    I’ve heard rumors and nothing more. Nothing as concrete as photos or talk about release quantities, etc. I do know that other manufacturers will follow up almost immediately with their own version after they see the success of this reel and any others released this winter.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I hope I’m not going to have to get in line with all of the other suckers on Black Friday to get one, although Black Betty Friday would make a good slogan.

    I honestly don’t know what to expect but I’ve been harassing Dean since I first saw these pics two weeks ago to do what he can to lay hands on some of these reels for the guys here. It very well may be too late to get in on product for this winter given the limited availability but he’s come up big for guys here in the past.

    I know one thing… I’m NOT standing in any lines to get one.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Any idea of the “actual size” James? Will it be at home on an ice rod, or look way oversized? Also, any word about weight?


    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496

    now thats a very sexy design. I am hoping it meets & exceeds all expectations, would love to fish the deep with a reel like that!!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Any idea of the “actual size” James? Will it be at home on an ice rod, or look way oversized? Also, any word about weight?


    I’ve wormed my way through contacts and believe I now have these same questions directed to the right people at 13 Fishing. I’m hoping to have this info ASAP.

    I’ll say this, I’m confident that any company that would go through the effort and expense of building this reel expressly for ice fishing would make “size and weight” two of the primary design criteria.

    Hopefully I’ll know for sure shortly.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Hello Black Betty!

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    I cannot wait to see these and get it out on the ice.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    That is a different reel by the same company. It is a non-multiplied retrieve “fly reel” style reel sold under the “Black Betty” name.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    So this is different then the current Black Betty that they have on their websight. Looks different but was wondering why they would use the same name.

    It is not the same reel. They look completely different. Why would they use the same name? I’m not even sure they will. Remember, they haven’t officially released these reels yet so a distinct name might be part of that release.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    An ice reel made in Tampa????

    Looks like it is a reel that will cost more than I am willing to spend for ice fishing.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    An ice reel made in Tampa????

    That’s where the company is located. Even US Reel Company makes most of their reels overseas. I’m sure this one is made overseas as well just like all the Shimano, Daiwas, Pfluegers, etc.

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    I think it is called the 6061.If it is that good I think they will make more than a few hundred. It would cost to much to make.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Thanks for doing the digging and background work. It’s neat reading back to last year’s discussions and even earlier on IDO, seeing the demand and interest a reel like this one surely would receive.

    Me? Well, I’m giddy as the first time I dropped a diamond jig/plastic on a fly reel while watching the underwater camera. Flutter and flick with no spin. I’m looking forward to learning more, and appreciative for you keeping us ahead of the curve!


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    So is this reel being designed specifically for ice fishing, or is this a new type of fly reel that’s applicable to ice fishing? Just wondering since the company is in Florida.

    I can see applications in fly fishing where it would be really helpful if you could pick up line faster than a 1:1 gear ratio allows.

    Maybe we’re going to go full circle here and find an ice fishing reel that works great on a fly rod


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Whoh ohh Black Betty Bam a lam

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Maybe we’re going to go full circle here and find an ice fishing reel that works great on a fly rod


    That certainly could be the case. I do know this one is designed for ice fishing but anglers will always find alternatives uses for well designed products.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    I honestly don’t know what to expect but I’ve been harassing Dean since I first saw these pics two weeks ago to do what he can to lay hands on some of these reels for the guys here. It very well may be too late to get in on product for this winter given the limited availability but he’s come up big for guys here in the past.

    I know one thing… I’m NOT standing in any lines to get one.

    I’ve been in contact with 13 Fishing and it doesn’t look good although I’m going to keep digging. Patience????

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    “I’ve been in contact with 13 Fishing and it doesn’t look good although I’m going to keep digging.” Patience????

    Patience? No! We expect persistence.

    Any word on the number of these reels that they plan to release? I’ve been told a couple/few hundred. Is that what you’ve heard as well?

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    Patience? No! We expect persistence.

    Any word on the number of these reels that they plan to release? I’ve been told a couple/few hundred. Is that what you’ve heard as well?

    I was told the ” initial” production was at 200. I was also informed late November or early December for actual hands on product.Of course,not everything always goes as planned as most of us can relate to!

    You will be the first to know however!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Patience? No! We expect persistence.

    Any word on the number of these reels that they plan to release? I’ve been told a couple/few hundred. Is that what you’ve heard as well?

    I was told the ” initial” production was at 200. I was also informed late November or early December for actual hands on product.Of course,not everything always goes as planned as most of us can relate to!
    You will be the first to know however!

    Yikes. That’s what I was told as well.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Hey Rootski, that is a great point, so I went out and did a google search for geared fly reels. Looks like there have been a few makers over the years that have had them out. Shakespeare made one called the Omni-X greared fly real. It was touted as affordable and reliable, but I can’t find one for sale anywhere. There are other brands too and some can still be had on the market, although mostly in Europe and at a pretty high price tag.

    DAN J
    Posts: 127

    On another web site it was called the (ICE NINJA)with 17″ of
    line per crank and super light weight.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    On another web site it was called the (ICE NINJA)with 17″ of
    line per crank and super light weight.

    10-4. I’m sure all the specs, and the official name, will come out in due time.

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