jbob Hastings, MNPosts: 725 February 26, 2012 at 4:41 pm #1303708 Any one up there yesterday/ How did it go?
katmando Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix riverPosts: 691 February 26, 2012 at 5:17 pm #1043202 I believe a 1.5lb perch won it. The bite was tough yesterday for perch and walleye. The tulibees were biteing though.
rfuchs Posts: 37 February 26, 2012 at 5:46 pm #1043210 I was a 1.43 pound perch that won 1st place it was an awesome event and my first time on mille lacs lake
bigcrappie BlainePosts: 4530 February 27, 2012 at 1:24 am #1043378 1.5lb, 1.7lb 1.43lb Looks like you all each went to a different place.
katmando Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix riverPosts: 691 February 27, 2012 at 1:39 am #1043381 Well I know the day started early in the morning at the bar with bloody marys but pretty certain it was 1.53 for first. An 1.43 for second but who cares the tourneys about havin fun and shootin the breeze with buddys.
Brent Yeakey Bloomer, WIPosts: 553 February 27, 2012 at 1:43 am #1043384 That may just be the first fish that actually got smaller as the story went on. We are witnessing history!