What does everyone out there like for underwater cameras? Thinking about purchasing one and was wondering what the pros and cons are of some out on the market.
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Underwater cameras
Posts: 236February 22, 2012 at 12:15 am #1041534I glad this was brought up again. I am looking at getting one finally also. I plan on using it more for summer time exploration than ice fishing though. As far as open water use, are these two cameras still the class of the field? How does the Vexilar compare to these? Im not a Marcum guy so honest answers only please
Now with light only making it so far down in the water column…how far down can you see with these cameras?
josh a
Posts: 588February 22, 2012 at 1:22 am #1041557i just recenlty got a marcum vs620. Its the first marcum product i’ve ever owned and i love it! The black and white cost a little less and so far i’m not really feeling the need for color. the picture is very clear,and even in fairly dark water such as the st. croix it’ll see pretty far away, in clean lakes its amazing how far you can identify fish from.The only issue i have is viewing the screen outside on a sunny day. even with the unit facing away from the sun its tough to see the screen outside. Does anybody know if there is an anti-glare screen cover for them?
February 22, 2012 at 1:24 am #1041558i have a marcum vs 380 and dollar for dollar it works awesome,great picture highly recomend any new marcum camera
February 22, 2012 at 1:51 am #1041572At this time MarCum has the market cornered with it’s Darkwater Technology that allows the angler to see in depths unheard of just a few years ago.
Snow or light reflecting off of partials in the water made camera useless at night or at the depth light can not penetrate.
My old MarCum 500 was great during the day, but when night came, it was put away.
Saugers in the Scour Hole on Pool 4 in 50 feet of water.
The camera portion that is underwater delivers a pretty awesome picture that some call the HD of underwater cameras.
Do yourself a favor when your ready to buy a camera, go to a retailer that has the brands your interested in. Place them side buy side. Then look at a colored object 10 feet or more away. Pick the camera that shows the most detail and the best color on the screen. Go ahead and adjust the color settings to try and make them comparable.
Why is color and detail important? When those dang sunfish suck in 1/2 a wax worm and spit it back out faster than a person can say “Lutafisk”, the most detail and color wins!
josh a
Posts: 588February 22, 2012 at 2:04 am #1041577BK I’ve noticed when your shooting your video at night its a real clear picture. I’ve used mine twice on big carnelian {which is a fairly clean lake} at night and i’ve found that the light really reflects the particles in the water making it very tough to see. Is the light on the 825sd any different than the 620vs?
February 22, 2012 at 2:24 am #1041584
The VS-620? Are yours a couple blue lights?
They should have the same Darkwater Technology. I have not used the Black and White 6 inch camera, but I have used the 8 inch model VS0820 and didn’t have any trouble.
When your done with it this winter give the MarCum guys a jingle.
February 22, 2012 at 2:30 am #1041586The above video was taking by Mississippi River Guide Marty Hahn with a VS-820. Although he was in shallower water, his light was on and there should have been some reflection if there was any.
josh a
Posts: 588February 22, 2012 at 2:30 am #1041587it definitly has the 2 blue lights on it, and they sure are bright. But when i flipped them on all i could really see was particles and little plankton like bugs of some sort. I’ve only used it at night on the one lake, so i’m wondering if its just the lake…but just from lookin at what your videos look like i’m wondering if angle of the lights could possibly be off a little. They seem to project straight out to down, more than up and out in fron of lens. maybe a quick email can get me an answer
February 22, 2012 at 2:36 am #1041589Brian, how durable are the cameras? I see them bumping off rocks on the bottom. Are they pretty tough? Thanks for everybody’s fast input.
February 22, 2012 at 2:37 am #1041590Quote:
For a little less, Marcum VS625SD!!
Have had mine for a few weeks and like it but in bright sunlight it is almost impossible to see anything on the screen. Will defenently need a sun block type hood of some sort.
February 22, 2012 at 4:45 am #1041611Honest question, honest answer….
I’ve bumped into a ton of rocks and boulders over the years. I’ve never had a camera go bad from the bouncing around.
I do watch for rocks coming and try to lift the camera over them. Most of the time that works, sometimes they get a direct hit.
I broke a camera cable once when the manta case ended up in a wooden snag. Tried getting it out every which way…finally ended up just heaving on it. That broke the outer cover of the camera wire and it needed to be replaced.
For the hours I’ve put on my cameras in the moving water of the river, I’m going to say they are tough. Very tough.
Now don’t go and drop 30 feet of cable out in 10 feet of water and drag the camera for a mile…then wonder what happened to it! LOL!Sun and the LCD screen.
If the sun is behind you and your having a hard time seeing the screen, move the camera to a different angle from the sun. I use my cameras 100% of the time outside in a boat.
February 22, 2012 at 1:50 pm #1041661i have the marcum 825 i believe. its the one step down from the colored one. i love it. my main issue too is seeing the screen outside especially with the sun out. went to thornes they didnt have anything for it. i did talk to a marcum rep at the ice show, he told me of a supplier to get set up but like an idiot didnt right it down.
i was told to try this, get one of those cheap flexiable 3 ring binders, black, and some velcro and try molding it around the camera. have the stuff havent tried it yet.
heres a good one, i also went to cabelas this past summer asking about the sun shield, they told me the camera accesories where not in season!!!!
February 22, 2012 at 9:00 pm #1041846Brian, thanks for the info. Figured they must be kinda tough but thought I would ask. Sounds like Marcum is the way to go.
Thanks, ChuckFebruary 23, 2012 at 2:01 am #1041918is anyone running any deals? Does Marcum have any factory refurbs available?
February 23, 2012 at 8:41 am #1041949Redrockstore.com
Email or call Marcum to find out about refurbs.
Posts: 7February 23, 2012 at 12:05 pm #1041970spend the extra $ for the vs825sd………the little bit bigger screen is better for 2-3 people to view….it is a qulity unit.Ther are verry few reviews on the vex cammera when i was reserching them had several people tell me marcums cam is the best, people from redrock,glenssheels.
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