Ice fishing LADY

  • iacanoeguy
    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    My wife TRIED ice fishing with me a few years ago, but by the time I had drilled my normal 20 holes, searched and found fish, got her set up, she was cold. This year I made a small hut out of an old farm water tank and put it on a friends pond so he can use it also. She agreed to come try it yesterday. SHE LOVED IT!! Of course helping her catch 30 gills helped. Sorted through to bring home 10 to eat. She did not care as long as she was catching. She even told me after our agreed time to leave that she would like to stay more. I guess it helps to have a good guide. PS – I only caught 2

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    You’re a smart man to take the time to get the Mrs. involved.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I guess it helps to have a good guide. PS – I only caught 2

    Always make sure your guest brings in more fish. Even if you have to pull the hook before they bite! More so if your guest is your FW!!;)

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854



    I guess it helps to have a good guide. PS – I only caught 2

    Always make sure your guest brings in more fish. Even if you have to pull the hook before they bite! More so if your guest is your FW!!;)

    That’s what I do…..Someone comes into my boat and I make sure they catch more than I do! I envy you getting her out there…..I can’t get my wife to step on the ice at the arena much less on a lake.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I got my better half out last night. Of course sitting in the truck watching tip-ups is not exactly roughing it but like James said I got her out there!

    Posts: 1471

    That’s great. I just took my wife out yesterday too. We did catch some nice gills. I must have made a mistake I caught more then she did. She still had a good time. I did do something right thou I told her next fish wins and of course she caught the last fish. So she does think she has bragging rights. Nice to get her out.

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    I have been wanting to do one of these for a few years now. I will NEVER give up the portable, but for this guys pond, it works great. He can use it for himself also and it is on a good spot, so we can just let her sit. Funny part about this, the hut has been ready since Nov., but with the funny ice this year, it did not make it to the pond until 2 weeks ago, and I am guessing it will be coming off soon too.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    It sure helps if your catching fish, that is one of the things my GF hates is if we are not putting fish on the ice.

    While I drill the holes she goes behind me and sets the Tip Down Frames and poles by the holes and cleans them out. When I finish drilling I start setting up and baiting the Tip Downs. We have a pretty good regiment figured out and it doesn’t take long for us to be completely setup and fishing.

    I’ve got a new spot to try out Friday and I hope it produces because we have to walk about a mile to get into this location, if it’s a bust I’m in trouble!!!

    I hope to have some good pics to share on Saturday. Our last outing did not go so well, at least we drove on and she sat in the truck and watched tip downs while I jigged.

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