So I told my mom (my 67yr old fishing partner) that this year was going to be the year that I caught a walleye… Never caught one… So I got out on the lake today for a family/friend get together in rememberance of a good friend of mine that passed away in November.. Everyone else had headed up to the house.. but I was determined to catch a few gills to have for dinner tomorrow… Found all the small ones and I look up… FLAG… Got over there and she wasn’t spinning, waiting waiting waiting, and she takes off… Got the hook set, and thought geez it’s gonna be a nice northern with that huge shiner on there.. After a good fight, line running right through my gloves, I finally got it flopped out onto the ice… First thought… That’s not a northern, then it clicked… Caught my first walleye.. Not only did I catch my first ever walleye.. It was 29 1/2″ and 8lbs 9ozs!!! Then Scott came back down and had to take me around the lake for some gloating…
Brought it to the taxidermist tonight and he even got the fillets cut out for me so I could have the fillets!! GREAT DAY!!! Jim would be so proud of me (RIP Jimmy!!!) So I have my first northern on a jig pole and my first walleye this year!! Now I have to figure something else out to cross off my to-do list…
February 13, 2012 at 3:04 am