This morn. on the river

  • starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335

    This morning I drilled a couple of holes and like usual,when I pulled the auger out , water came with. I noticed a few minutes later it did’nt go back down.It actually spead out quite a bit.My canvas froze to the ice. I was on clear ice. It just seemed odd at this time of year. I fish the river alot and never seen this before .I have ideas but, I thought I’d listen to some other opinions.

    starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335

    I should add thatI was sitting in a half inch of water.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Usually for me it’s a sign that I need to go see Jenny Craig.

    Just sayin’…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18962

    Good night ladies and gentlemen.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    What was your ice thickness?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    This is VERY common. Ice isn’t flat. It heaves up and down, splits, cracks and generally moves all over the place depending on temp, wind and snow load.

    You punched a hole in an area where the surface of the ice was below the water level. Once you “broke the seal” water ran up the hole on to the ice.

    In heavy snow fall years the weight of the snow can put so much downward pressure on the ice that it will push the ice below water level by quite a distance. I’ve punched holes in situations like this where a 1/8 oz. spoon that was dropped into the hole was carried back up and out onto the ice making it impossible to fish until the gush of water subsided.

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