Well my first trip to a Mille Lacs sleeper was disappointing. We had a house rented out of Red Door from 10 am Sat – 10 am Sunday. They had the house out on the flats past the first drop off. 6 guys, 8 holes, 5 vexs, 2 cameras and 1 fish. 23″ Walleye came on a rattle reel at 7:20 pm. I even went out with the portable and drilled 20 or so holes in search mode, but could not find any change in bottom and no marks. We wanted to go explore more, but with some unsafe ice not too far away we were warmed not to venture too far out. Wondered how the other hundreds of house fishing that same break line were doing. We tried every spoon, jig, bait we could come up with. Only spotted 5 fish total that swam by the cameras. Of course my rattle reel went off like crazy at 5:22 am and by the time someone got out of the bunk and made a try for it, nothing there. Wish we would have found some fish as we had some “virgin” ice fishermen we were trying to get excited about this sport. Lets just say we did not have many votes for doing this again. Personally, I would rather pull some sleds with 4 wheelers and move to find them, but I knew most in the group wanted to try the sleeper, and it was a fun time with family, but no fish
January 30, 2012 at 5:42 pm