How is everyone liking there LX7?

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I guess I’m confused. The 7 has a handle that comes out behind the screen. I hole hop endlessly with mine.

    Posts: 66

    Good to hear James. I thought I read somewhere recently that people were talking like they almost felt like they were packing the thing up before they could move around with it….I’m glad you confirm otherwise.

    On a different topic…what makes everyone think that Marcum will be supplying free updates/upgrades to the LX-7 for many years? I’m thinking they will only do that for a short while, and then they will need to be thinking about their next model and how to get new buyers for that model. If they keep the LX-7 upgraded, they’ll never sell their next model (LX-9?). Maybe I’ll be wrong? Hopefully.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Good to hear James. I thought I read somewhere recently that people were talking like they almost felt like they were packing the thing up before they could move around with it….I’m glad you confirm otherwise.

    On a different topic…what makes everyone think that Marcum will be supplying free updates/upgrades to the LX-7 for many years? I’m thinking they will only do that for a short while, and then they will need to be thinking about their next model and how to get new buyers for that model. If they keep the LX-7 upgraded, they’ll never sell their next model (LX-9?). Maybe I’ll be wrong? Hopefully.

    Long story short, the 7 is not the end, it is the beginning.

    There will be other units beyond the 7, guaranteed. Some more advanced. Some less advanced. Advancements based on software improvements will be added to the 7. Advancements and features that require significant modifications to the 7’s hardware won’t be able to be added to the 7 and will appear in new models in the MarCum digital lineup. All will be maintained with updates / upgrades for years to come.

    Will we see the same pace with upgrades for the 7 two years from now that we’re seeing right now? I wouldn’t think so. The performance tweaks and new feature additions will become more minor in nature… but I think that is to be expected as the unit becomes more refined.

    God's country - Wisconsin
    Posts: 86

    I think that some of the people didn’t realize that handle was inside the soft case and thought they had to use the hand slot on the back of the unit.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    I think that some of the people didn’t realize that handle was inside the soft case and thought they had to use the hand slot on the back of the unit.

    The handle tucked inside the case is ideal, but the plastic carrying handle in the back works well in a pinch.

    Posts: 7



    Good to hear James. I thought I read somewhere recently that people were talking like they almost felt like they were packing the thing up before they could move around with it….I’m glad you confirm otherwise.

    On a different topic…what makes everyone think that Marcum will be supplying free updates/upgrades to the LX-7 for many years? I’m thinking they will only do that for a short while, and then they will need to be thinking about their next model and how to get new buyers for that model. If they keep the LX-7 upgraded, they’ll never sell their next model (LX-9?). Maybe I’ll be wrong? Hopefully.

    Long story short, the 7 is not the end, it is the beginning.

    There will be other units beyond the 7, guaranteed. Some more advanced. Some less advanced. Advancements based on software improvements will be added to the 7. Advancements and features that require significant modifications to the 7’s hardware won’t be able to be added to the 7 and will appear in new models in the MarCum digital lineup. All will be maintained with updates / upgrades for years to come.

    Will we see the same pace with upgrades for the 7 two years from now that we’re seeing right now? I wouldn’t think so. The performance tweaks and new feature additions will become more minor in nature… but I think that is to be expected as the unit becomes more refined.

    Thanks Dave
    We get more info from you pro staffers than anyone else out there…………..
    I just want to say thankyou for helping us plain old fisherman/consumers informed.

    Posts: 38

    How are they going to release the update? Email us? Call us? Post it on forums? Anyone know?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    How are they going to release the update? Email us? Call us? Post it on forums? Anyone know?

    I would imagine like most updates, it will be available on the website that can be downloaded via a USB into the LX7. When updates become available, I am sure IDO will make some sort of post.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m ready to pull the trigger on this end on letting everyone know where to find the update and how to implement it. Just waiting on MarCum for the go-ahead to release it. Hang tight. It won’t be long now.

    Greater St Michael Area
    Posts: 165


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Not a problem.

    Posts: 7

    Thanks tyeee,James,and Marcum

    Thats it I downloaded it quick and easy my lx7 system setting says im running V2.9 Have to go fishing now !!!

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    All updated to V2.9!!!!!!! Now I hope the ice hangs on down here to try it this year!


    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Ice went out on the Iowa river down here today. I could have picked crawlers in my yard night before last.
    Will the updated LX 7 locate that slithering slime or do I still have to use a flashlight?

    Posts: 38

    I couldnt get it to work for anything! THEN I went on the hunt for a different USB cable. It says you HAVE to use a USB 2.0 cable. I just bought a new camera and would of bet my life it came with a 2.0 cable. WRONG! The next cable I tried (7 or 8 yr old cable) was apparently a 2.0 cable and it installed like a dream! So if you are having any problems, MAKE SURE you are using the correct cable. Of course the cables dont say on them what version of cable it is. If it doesnt work, just assume you dont have the correct cable. Can anyone tell me why it wont work with a non 2.0 cable? I thought the 2.0 was just a faster rate of transfer? I feel like crap, but I AM GOING FISHING!!!! Thanks for all the hard work Marcum! I hope this solves all of my problems!

    Pardeeville, WI 53954
    Posts: 96

    Hey all, I found one minor incorrect piece of info in the video that can be confusing. It says to “click and drag it to your desktop” that is incorrect. You have to actually click on the “download update file to desktop” as it states so that it actually downloads the 3.89 meg file to your computer. If you drag and drop you will only get the icon itself and that does nothing. The instructions are not totally clear for anyone that is not computer savy. Just be aware.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 99

    Just wondering if you guys have seen a list of what all exactly is on the new update? I know there is the new dynamic depth feature but I want to know what all it has in it

    Posts: 38

    Bummer. My LX7 still starts at 298 feet in the zoom window. I have to manually click it all the way down to the area I am fishing (say 10 feet). I was hoping the update fixed this, or do I have a setting wrong? It did this out of the box as a replacement.

    Posts: 54

    took a few tries but it say’s v2.9 under settings now. Don’t know what I was doing wrong or what I did right. Good fishing all.

    Posts: 38

    I have rebooted this thing I dont know how many times and it still goes back to zoom at 298′?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I have rebooted this thing I dont know how many times and it still goes back to zoom at 298′?

    Are you fishing with it or testing it in your living room? Reason I ask is your depth and zoom scale will be saved after the unit locks on a depth when you’re out fishing. Sonar units have a VERY hard time interpreting sonar signals when fired into carpeting, hard wood floors… or the plastic of the carrier that houses the transducer.

    Posts: 38

    Haha. I am out on a Lake fishing, Every time I go out, I have the zoom window up. For example, yesterday the zoom window had the correct depth, 17 feet, on the bottom of the screen but it was zooming at 298 feet. The day before I was in 10 feet of water and the zoom window was at 298′. I noticed yesterday when I started hitting the down buttom to make it go from 298′ to 17′. It went to about 265′ and then started back UP again. So I had to push the UP arrow to get it to go down to 17′. Once I get it there it works but if I turn the unit off, the next time it comes on, right back to 298′. I cant figure it out since it is software driven I was hoping the update would take care of it.

    Pardeeville, WI 53954
    Posts: 96

    Anyone actually have a definition of what the dynamic range does now since it was added? I do not have any good ice to test this now that I have the update.

    Pardeeville, WI 53954
    Posts: 96

    Thanks, sounds like an item to play with to see if it works how I want it too. With the new adjusted fixed ranges I am happy with that.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514


    Can anyone tell me why it wont work with a non 2.0 cable? I thought the 2.0 was just a faster rate of transfer?

    My guess is that there probably is some sort of data timeout issue coming up. Non-2.0 simply doesn’t move it fast enough and software is shutting down.

    Posts: 38


    I don’t have my unit in front of me, but the up button moves the zoom range up, the down button moves the range down.

    That is the way it is supposed to work. On my 7 I start pushing the down button, to go from 298′ to say, 10′. It goes down for ten feet or so, then starts going back up, so I push on the up key and it starts going down. I have been waiting for two weeks (about) for Marcum to get back to me on this. Sent two emails and one request for service, no response.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    I have been waiting for two weeks (about) for Marcum to get back to me on this. Sent two emails and one request for service, no response.

    Try calling them….
    That way you can explain your issues exactly…

    Posts: 222

    I noticed that people are asking what updates were included in the 2.9. After talking to a marcum guy here is what he said. The range functions where improved. A 10’ range was added along with the dynamic depth function. The target adjust was improved so your targets will show up as a much finer line. There were some other software fixes done to improve overall performance. Hopefully that helps

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