Lake Onalaska today

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    I have finally decided to stop working every available open shift and have some time for “me” for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I love having a job that helps those who need help, but there comes a time where the stress needs to be releived. So, yesterday and today I hit the lake with no clear starting point.

    Yesterday, I went out around 13:00 and stood and stared at the wide open ice and took note of all the people in their small communities. I knew right away I didnt want to be close to people. While I was making my decision on where to start, an old timer was having some trouble getting his ice cleats on. I laughed a little inside and thought even on the ice I still have to help someone. I got his cleats hooked up for him and then started walking. A few years ago I had some success in one of the dredge channels and decided that was where I was going to start the day. As I walked across the ice I was really surprised at how well the ice has been holding up with the temps we have had. The only bad thing about the ice is it is now too cloudy to read through with the Marcum. As I made my way around the island I was happy to see there was not another person within 80 yards or more. There was remnants of old holes but they looked to be days old.

    I started to drill a series of holes from close to shore in a straight line toward the deeper water in the channel. The shallow water was 5′ and the deepest was 12′. I dropped the transducer down the hole and was marking fish immediately. I then grabbed a rod rigged with a Forage Minnow and sent it down the hole. The fish came racing up toward the jig, but just as quickly turned their nose and returned to the bottom. I then switched to a Gil Pill with a waxie. This time I was able to hook a fish. Too bad it was a 5″ perch. I then worked my way up and down the holes I drilled with the same results. There was a lot of switching of baits going on. It wasn’t until around 16:00 that the bigger fish decided to come out and play. I landed 2 12″ perch with huge bellies to them. I returned them back to the depths and hope they will lay their eggs when the time comes. That was pretty much all the excitement for this day.

    Today I decided to hit a totally new area for me on the lake. I picked a small cove with an avg depth of 10′ with a hard sand bottom and current. I also decided to pick up some minnows and bring along the tip ups rigged for panfish. I knew the area would hold perch and I really wanted to get into them. I started out fishing holes from people that were here before me. I was able to mark fish right off the bat again, but most were on the small size. I was also watching people around me who were tip-up fishing and the pike were hitting the ice today!!! I had my 2 tip ups out with 3 tripped flags for the day. That idea didn’t quite work out the way I hoped, maybe next time.

    I was able to land an 8# Northern on my jig pole with 2# line. That was quite the battle that took about 5 minutes of tug of war. That fish was returned as well. About 16:00 the bite turned on big time for me. I had one hole drilled right next to a submerged log that produced crappies and gills. The bite was non-stop with about every other fish being keeper sized. The hot bait was a chartreuse Gil Pill tipped with a waxie. When this hole died off I moved to a second hole about 30′ away and finished the night off there. They were flying up to meet the jig at 9′ in 12′ of water. The bite was not subtle, it was a slam bite. Here was also a mix of crappies and gills. I took home 14 for the pan and returned a lot more.

    The weather was perfect out there today. I never even used the shack or the heater. I didn’t even put my coat on until the sun set behind the trees. Tomorrow I head back to another 24 hour shift but the last 2 days were great to clear the mind and “get away” from the daily grind for awhile.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    that’s good karma.

    great read. JP

    Posts: 9325

    It’s always good to be able to take a day and clear your head. Especially with some of the stuff you deal with. I hope you get out again soon.

    Dean Tremble
    Sparta Wisconsin
    Posts: 3

    am going out tomorrow for the first time, your posting sure added optomism to my trip, am thinking of heading around the island towards the landing lights. will post tomorrow.

    Posts: 813

    Thanks for the great info. No work today for me so I hope to find some of those big Ona crappies in deeper water, just hope the ice cooperates.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    Great report Mike Fishing is always a good way to destress.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Nice report and glad to see things are going good for you.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Great read Wats, and great job helping on your way out
    I’m getting close to needing help with my creepers also

    Glad to see you are finding some time for yourself and hitting the ice

    Dean Tremble
    Sparta Wisconsin
    Posts: 3

    fished on the far side of the little island by Shaefers, got 6, a fellow there before me got a bit more, then the crowd came at 2:30, can you imagine drilling a hole within 3 feet of another persons hole? Errrggg, one of the trials of fishing near a city.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    That “Me” time was so very much well deserved Many of us know how hard you busted to get back on your feet and make it to where your at now. Great read and glad that you were able to get out and relax. It does the body good!

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