showdown troller

  • tccat
    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195

    I am having trouble clearly marking fish with my new troller. Also, there is strong electrical current coming out of the ducer which shocks me when i touch it. It also makes a popping noise out of water. Anybody else seeing these problems? thanks -Dan

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If it’s not popping, it’s not working. That’s the sonar pulses that are being timed. The longer the time it takes to receive that pop back to the transducer the deeper the water.

    Shocks? You’re not just feeling the pulses?

    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195


    If it’s not popping, it’s not working. That’s the sonar pulses that are being timed. The longer the time it takes to receive that pop back to the transducer the deeper the water.

    Shocks? You’re not just feeling the pulses?

    definitely full on shock.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    If your fingers are wet you’ll feel the pulse much more than if your fingers are dry. It sorta feels like a shock but it is caused by the pulse of the transducer and not electrical current. This is normal. And you can hear the transducer at times. Again, normal.

    The question that needs to be answered is… Can you mark your jig clearly?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My showdown clicks all the time out of water. I figured that was normal?

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    The clicking/popping is normal. As James mentioned, grabbing the bottom of the transducer with wet fingers might feel like a shock. I also would like to know if you are seeing your jig clearly. If not you may need to turn up the sensitivity.

    Posts: 357

    Sounds like he needs more time on the ice.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    Ive had the same problems at max sensitivity as well, some jigs just dont show or barely show up with a full charge. have had random floating bars and the depth flash from 5 to 15 then 51 feet deep when im only in 5 feet. havent been shocked yet though.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Ive had the same problems at max sensitivity as well, some jigs just dont show or barely show up with a full charge. have had random floating bars and the depth flash from 5 to 15 then 51 feet deep when im only in 5 feet. havent been shocked yet though.

    Max sensitivity, a setting of 25, is massive overkill in 5′ of water. For comparison, the highest sensitivity I’ve ever had to run in 90′ of water is 11 or 12. Once you really start to crank the sensitivity like that those “floating bars” represent clutter introduced into the display by the high level of sensitivity and the jumping bottom reading is due to the unit reading a multiple bottom returns.

    When fishing shallow water like that the nearly universal cause of issues with seeing lures is that the area of coverage is tiny. If you’re in 5 feet of water you’re “seeing” a circle below the ice approximately 1.66 feet across. If your ducer is on one side of the hole and you’re fishing on the other or if there’s even a tiny bit of current… you can very easily be fishing outside of your transducer cone. Particularly if you’re fishing above bottom. As you raise your lure up in the water column you’re effectively reducing the area of coverage for your lure to work in and potentially be displayed by your electronics. Position your transducer in the middle of the hole and fish right along side the transducer in shallow water for the best results.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Another must for fishing shallow, keep the transducer as high into the hole as possible. Forget all about dropping the transducer to the bottom of the hole when fishing 5 feet or less.

    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195

    It’s been kind of hit or miss on whether or not i can mark my jig. Also, when i do mark a fish they all seem to show up the same size. I have tried every setting possible to recognize bigger marks. Ive tried in up to 20fow. Also, is there a way to effectively fish with this unit while it is out of the dock? Seems like the u would have to hold the transducer cable and unit in one hand and fish with the other?

    Posts: 357

    Last year i made up a leg mount. Worked good when on the bucket. It did want to ride down the leg some when moveing from hole to hole. I could make you one if you wanted for a small fee.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    It’s been kind of hit or miss on whether or not i can mark my jig.

    Not being there to help, this sounds like an issue with setting the sensitivity to me. The best way to learn the settings is to get out and use it while playing with the buttons.


    Also, when i do mark a fish they all seem to show up the same size.

    This is a grey scale sonar unit, not colored. You will not see a big difference in the appearance of your marks showing up.


    Also, is there a way to effectively fish with this unit while it is out of the dock? Seems like the u would have to hold the transducer cable and unit in one hand and fish with the other?

    The performance pack is the best way to go if you plan on setting up and fishing with this unit or, something like what bee has put together. The unit was made to be as portable as possible while looking for depth and marking fish while on the run.

    Aitkin Mn
    Posts: 185


    Last year i made up a leg mount. Worked good when on the bucket. It did want to ride down the leg some when moveing from hole to hole. I could make you one if you wanted for a small fee.

    That is the bee’s knee’s! Sorry, couldn’t resist

    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195


    Last year i made up a leg mount. Worked good when on the bucket. It did want to ride down the leg some when moveing from hole to hole. I could make you one if you wanted for a small fee.

    I appreciate the offer but i have the performance pack for it so i should be ok. Im glad i have access to the info on this site as I probably would have returned this unit.

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