So last winter I watched my half-brother pull a pike out of the hole with his jig pole, after the northern tangled up and taking my line with it.. Well today I got my chance… Either she didn’t find the shiners on the tip-ups or hadn’t made it to them yet.. Took my minnow on a blue jig and ran with it… Got the vex out of the water and after fighting a bit, got it up to the top of the water and “SNAP” don’t know why I didn’t have the gaf ready, but natural instinct kicked in and was able to grab her behind the gills… 26 1/2″ (just legal on that lake) 3lb4oz… Made a nice dinner with the bass I caught on a tip up.. Even took the time to figure out finally how to fillet the y-bones out… Had caught over 100 pike last year and should have learned then but ended up pickling most of them.. Hopefully the wind dies down tomorrow so I’m not constantly cleaning out tip up holes, but definantly was making ice today with all the cracking going on…
January 3, 2012 at 1:48 am