Lax area ice report?

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    I have seen some guys out on fishermans road and such just wondering what kind of ice we have. the kids really want to get out so I will probably run and check it after work, but thought I would ask what others were finding as well.

    Also if you fish in tremp I would be interested to hear what kind of ice is there as well, (little further drive) but worth it if ice is safe.

    Thanks – and if you respond and I see you out some day I will buy you a beer

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I made a stop on the way in to work and checked to see how the ice is holding up. You will find 3-5inches of good ice by the air port.
    No need to buy me a beer. But if you do I’ll buy one back

    Posts: 5130

    I know out in front of Schaefers there is 4-5″ of solid ice as of yesterday. The other areas I couldn’t tell you, but I will be checking on another community hole this afternoon to see if it is walkable for tomorrow.

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    The ice is clear and not very thick, but it should hold you. Just stay shallow, bring your ice picks, and don’t bring the shorties. You owe me a beer.

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    I saw a few guys out by the Black River Beach about 20 yards from open water Crazy mo-fo’s

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