hows the amery area ice looking?

  • salmo_trutta
    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    my finals are over, now its time to play any of the lakes in the area -twins, pike, black brook, ashes, horseshoe, largon, balsam- with walkable ice? looking to get out thursday or friday with my brother to chase some flags.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    or are conditions that bad that its not worth the hour+ drive?

    Posts: 59

    Guy’s are fishing Twin, Pike, Black Brook. I heard Big Round is still open and I have not been up to Balsam but they are fishing it in certain areas. Pike and Twin have had guy’s on them since late last week. Black Brook has had guys on it for a couple weeks now. Wappo and Bear Trap still had open water as of late last week??? I’d say get the flags in! Keep in mind walking only and always check as you go!

    I was up in Hayward over the weekend and conditions are worse up there than they are in the Amery area. We were able to get out but anywhere from 2.5″-5″ in the bays with most all larger lakes still not locked up!

    Be Safe!!!!

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    thanks randeye, looks like Im heading north friday.

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