crazy guy on chisago channel last night

  • jasono00
    Posts: 337

    yesterday hit chisago channel drilled about 15 to 20 holes, and never found more then 3 1/2 to four inches. wasnt many of us out there but fishing was ok for panfish, and nothing for walleys. but when i was leaving the lake walking to the boat landing i saw head lights on the ice out from the landing and the guy was at least 50 ft out on the ice off of the landing using his headlights to light up tip up’s. crazy…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’m surprised he’s not in the news today…

    Posts: 21

    he must not have kids

    Forest Lake, MN
    Posts: 59

    And I hope he refrains from having kids so he doesn’t pass on the defective gene.

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