Nothing too terribly fancy. Just a variety of shots of the various screens in action inside and outside of the house.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » First glimpse LX-7 Video
Nothing too terribly fancy. Just a variety of shots of the various screens in action inside and outside of the house.
The graph mode will grow on you. I like the graph mode on my 67C ice kit. It’s awful nice to see some history of your jigging on the screen.
Nothing too terribly fancy. Just a variety of shots of the various screens in action inside and outside of the house.
Great start. So what do you think so far? Like a kid in a candy store?
Looks sweet! Being able to glance down and see the size of your sonar cone is going to be an asset for sure. Am I missing something though? I thought the lx-7 was going to utilize the entire dial regardless of what depth you are fishing in. Does the depth scale auto adjust?
I noticed that also Lester. I thought James maybe had it on zoom mode. Since the jig was also showing up on the left also ?
At about the 30 sec mark. The center depth reading goes from 8.5 to 8.1. Do you have any ideas of what caused that?
At about the 30 sec mark. The center depth reading goes from 8.5 to 8.1. Do you have any ideas of what caused that?
Yes, and it is scary as heck. It involves a thin sheet of ice and an ice breaker sending a pulse of water under the ice while breaking up a channel about 1000′ feet away from where we fished. It causes the ice to rise up, pause and settle back down. Scarey, scarey, scarey. At one point we went from 7.8 feet to 8.7 feet in the same hole.
Does the depth scale auto adjust?
Yes, there is an auto mode. You drop the puck in the water, the scale is selected for you, digital depth appears in the center read-out and you’re fishing.
At about the 30 sec mark. The center depth reading goes from 8.5 to 8.1. Do you have any ideas of what caused that?
Yes, and it is scary as heck. It involves a thin sheet of ice and an ice breaker sending a pulse of water under the ice while breaking up a channel about 1000′ feet away from where we fished. It causes the ice to rise up, pause and settle back down. Scarey, scarey, scarey. At one point we went from 7.8 feet to 8.7 feet in the same hole.
Wow.. A Roller Coaster at the same time as fishing.
Am I missing something though? I thought the lx-7 was going to utilize the entire dial regardless of what depth you are fishing in.
That’s my understanding as well but I can’t comment on it yet as I had my range manually set to 20′. Old habits… die hard. I’ll try the auto mode tomorrow and report back. It is my understanding that the depth is to auto-propagate to use the entire sonar dial.
Is it on the charger right now? How is the battery holding up?
Is it on the charger right now? How is the battery holding up?
Fished start to finish today… 6:30 AM to 6 PM with no issue and the unit never turned off. 11.8 volts at the end and everything was still going strong. The battery started the day at 12.7 V. and the engineers have told me that the 7 will operate normally down to just under 10 V. before the unit will shut down. Battery consumption is one of my primary concerns so I will be paying very close attention to this one. So far, so good. I need a bunch more testing in my world to say that the engineers nailed the power consumption aspect of the 7 but after the first 3 days it hasn’t proved to be an issue.
so is the heated screen is always on or only in very cold weather?
so is the heated screen is always on or only in very cold weather?
The heater is thermostatically controlled and I’ve been told it runs very rarely as the heat from the LCD screen is typically sufficient to keep everything working as intended. But, should you find yourself fishing in some very cold weather, the heater will kick in as needed.
At about the 30 sec mark. The center depth reading goes from 8.5 to 8.1. Do you have any ideas of what caused that?
Yes, and it is scary as heck. It involves a thin sheet of ice and an ice breaker sending a pulse of water under the ice while breaking up a channel about 1000′ feet away from where we fished. It causes the ice to rise up, pause and settle back down. Scarey, scarey, scarey. At one point we went from 7.8 feet to 8.7 feet in the same hole.
Did that require a change in shorts
At about the 30 sec mark. The center depth reading goes from 8.5 to 8.1. Do you have any ideas of what caused that?
Yes, and it is scary as heck. It involves a thin sheet of ice and an ice breaker sending a pulse of water under the ice while breaking up a channel about 1000′ feet away from where we fished. It causes the ice to rise up, pause and settle back down. Scarey, scarey, scarey. At one point we went from 7.8 feet to 8.7 feet in the same hole.
Did that require a change in shorts
The going up and down didn’t do it. The freakish boom and crack that ran right through the center of the hole I was fishing while going up and down represented my personal tipping point. I takes a lot to scare me. I was.
I thought the lx-7 was going to utilize the entire dial regardless of what depth you are fishing in.
I got to the bottom of this… I had the depth scale set manually to 20′ in these videos. Again, old habit. However, dynamic depth, which was planned to be a part of the initial release of the 7, didn’t make it as part of the initial release. So… the word is it will be offered as part of a free upgrade in the future. Hopefully NEAR future.
I’ll dig more into the when on that release as soon as I get back from the latest film shoot.
the word is it will be offered as part of a free upgrade in the future.
Would you hav to send it in for the upgrade, do it yourself or dealer? Good luck on filming. Loved the show today.
the word is it will be offered as part of a free upgrade in the future.
Would you hav to send it in for the upgrade, do it yourself or dealer? Good luck on filming. Loved the show today.
My understanding is you download the update to your computer, then hook the LX7 up via USB, while holding the down arrow button you turn it on and it brings up the file from it, then you just drag the udate file into it and it is installed.
Well first units just arrived at Reeds here in Walker, I looked, told them I would have to sell my lx-5 first, went home put it on craigslist, sold in 5 minutes! must have had it priced right, $250 will pick up the new one in a couple of days, hope I did the right thing. Looks impressive
hope I did the right thing.
How can you go wrong. The more I find out about these the more I am doign the same thing.
My understanding is you download the update to your computer, then hook the LX7 up via USB, while holding the down arrow button you turn it on and it brings up the file from it, then you just drag the udate file into it and it is installed.
Yes, Ed has it right. The updates are done by the owner and take about 2 minutes. If you can connect a camera or an external hard drive to your PC… you can update a 7.
picked up my lx-7 today, ready to use it, disappointed that there is no user manual with it! that seems to be the trend these days, you would think for these big bucks they would include that!true you can get it and download it, but they are assuming that everybody has access to a computer and printer! my printer is out of service. Well I took a little time and have it figured out, mostly, need time on the ice, not the countertop.
I have looked everywhere on the Marcum site and can not find an LX-7 manual anywhere. If you can find one I would love to see it as well.
I have looked everywhere on the Marcum site and can not find an LX-7 manual anywhere. If you can find one I would love to see it as well.
Here you go…. LX-7 User Guide
I think they assume you have a computer because you need to be able to download the updates.
Nice machine and all, but I will stick with my Vex.
I will stick with my Vex.
I had a vex and then someone broke into my big house in the front yard and stold it. It was new…… I loved it the 2 times I used it…. I switch to the LX-5 becuas ei got a better deal. I hope I did the right thing.
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