A tip for Gulp Alive

  • Mudshark
    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Anybody who uses this stuff knows how the darn jars leak the sticky,smelly juice that they in….
    I have tried various different jars,the tape,with no luck.
    I was looking at buying some of Berkly’s container’s but found I would have to order them (nobody seems to carry them around here),With shipping the price is a bit steep.
    Sunday I went to Gander to burn up a gift card and picked up 2 of Strike Master’s bait pucks for $5,filled 1 with a jar of the 1″ minnows,tightened down the lid and set the puck on it’s side…..
    After overnight…NO LEAKS
    I use Gulp a bunch during the winter so this works great for me……
    Just a heads up

    Posts: 1748

    Plano sells one for 5 bucks that works

    Have heard that a guy can cut open a hole in top and leave the seal so that it might not leak

    I went with the plano one from scheels – cabela’s got them 2

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193


    Plano sells one for 5 bucks that works

    Have heard that a guy can cut open a hole in top and leave the seal so that it might not leak

    I went with the plano one from scheels – cabela’s got them 2

    Yep…it works. I just leave the plastic on the edge.

    Posts: 615

    There is a hole in the lid of the bait pucks just a fyi….most people just seal it with silicone for keeping the gulp alive stuff in them……its maybe a 1/16″ in diameter but they all have one….

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    Yep whatch out for that small hole. Over time the juice will leak out and make a mess (had this happen to me). So as ekruger01 said seal it with some sort of silicone

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    There are no holes in the pucks I have

    Like I said,I put a whole jar in and stood it on it’s side all night……no leaks……..

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    Plano sells one for 5 bucks that works

    Have heard that a guy can cut open a hole in top and leave the seal so that it might not leak

    I went with the plano one from scheels – cabela’s got them 2

    The cutting an X in the top worked for the bigger baits..
    For me,it did not work on the smaller jars…
    Scheels or Cabelas still involve shipping cost’s for me

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    I just looked and mine do not have any holes either.

    Posts: 615

    Just talked to the folks at strikemaster about a new part for my laser mag and asked about the hole….ALL baitpucks have a hole, it is to let the bait breath…..they mentioned it might be under the sticker just a touch if you cant see it?

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    Found it, thanks I would have thought there wasn’t one and I would have not removed the sticker. It was right on the edge of the sticker.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    I found the hole on the edge also…….

    My soldering iron took care of that.


    Posts: 615



    I found the hole on the edge also…….

    My soldering iron took care of that.


    Just making sure no one comes home with Stinky Pockets lol

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Darn leaky jars My best luck is still cutting an X in the top without breaking the seal. Thank you Joel

    But Jeff

    You opened my eyes with the bait puck

    I keep my gulp alive 1” minnows upright and in a zip lock bag to avoid the spill, even with the tricks. The original jars are just too upright with a small bottom base to begin with!

    The bait puck with a wide bottom will fit nicely in the bottom of my Otter Sportsman Caddy without tipping over….Thanks for making me think

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    I used the bait pucks for a season but the containers that berkey came out with will get my nod. As you can see from the picture I have a lot of gulp alive and having it all sorted is really nice. I can remove each section so I do not need the whole tray. For 10$ they do not leak and keep my collection sorted.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    icekid…Where did you get that for $10 ??
    I found those on the Berkley site but they were $19.99 + $8 shipping…
    That’s why I tried the puck….(which,after sealing the hole,seems to work)

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    I thought I saw one at Gander for 10. I may be wrong and it may be 20. But its well worth it if you ask me.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    You can get just single containers for 6.99 other wise if you do some looking online I have found them for 13. If you ask me its worth the 20 though.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    OK…..This is getting weird….
    I’m up in Green Bay his week (visiting the grandson) and this morning I drove up to the piers @ Sunset Beach…..just for the halibit…
    On the way back I stopped by Mills Fleet Farm………

    Darned if they didn’t have the Berkley boxes you have for 10 bucks!!!!

    I’ll still use the pucks for ice fishing but these will work great in the summer!!

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    Thats where I saw them for 10. I just saw them on their website for that. I knew they were 10 somewhere.

    Johnston, IA
    Posts: 9

    I have had real good luck with Nalgene bottles and jars… plenty of sizes to choose from. I have used the bottles for open water fishing for a couple of years now, and I’m planning on trying out the 1 and 2 ounce jars for ice fishng this year…

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