How you lace up your “SPIKES”

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    Well I figure since we’ve discussed keeping spikes/Eurolarvea alive maybe we should talk about how ice anglers prefer to lace them up to fish them!!

    BTW Spikes at times can be flat out deadly on Crappies, Perch, Sunfish and Smallmouth Bass to list a few.

    Many of you might already know this, but some may not; On the blunt end of a “Spike” if you slighty pinch it you will see two eyes staring back at you. YES EYES!! Take your razor sharp “Diamond Jig” in my case and gently slide the hook between the eyes just under the skin. If your hooks aren’t sharp you NEED to sharpen them. By hooking the spike in this precise fashion you’ll keep them twisting,turning and wiggling to the point most panfish will simply go BONKERS inhaling them. (Remember a panfish will often inhale your spike and blow it out just as quickly.) Fishing for elite caliber panfish is seldom effective with a sandwich in the other hand.

    Again a sloppy gut hook with these Spikes will allow the guts to leak, and you’ll soon be fishing a spike “HUSK”.

    Now personally I like to hook 4-5 the right way and “Gut hook” one for scent. Still that’s just me…..I’m crazy that way.

    When storing them in your refrigerator NEVER refer to them as maggots with your wife and kids around.

    Now……..WAIT FOR IT…….Final thoughts; So what do you suppose your trying to simulate while working spikes?? Do you think about it or just drop it under a cork and hope for action since your on a Crappie spot? If you want to elevate your game to the next level lets start here. Those who strive to become a better ice fisherman take note; I promise that whatever your target species may be you’ll need to think about how you work a presentation from a snap jig, shake, rise or hold as there is a time and place for all of them. What truly are you doing based on the bite your on? Think hard about it. Typically speaking your best “Spike” bite will take place over mud; Hmnnnnnnnnn… Why do you suppose that is?? Panfish will feed on larvea that either are dug out of a mud bottom or are rising through the water column, and this tends to pick up late in the season with increased light activity. This should flip the switch on for some of us. Do you suppose a “Mud Bump” leading into a slow fade up the water column as we glue our eyes on our Marcum seems realistic to a big fat Crappie? THAT IS A BINGO MY FRIENDS…….Pull your Blotter out from behind your ear and stamp a “Bucket Full” blackout!! It is critical for the angler seeking increased success in the 2011/12 ice fishign season that they clearly understand WHAT they are trying to simulate FIRST and foremost; Then utilze the best equipment that enables them to work the system the most efficiently. Elite caliber panfish have seena few tricks, so sloppy presentations will get snubbed on most occassions.

    Feel free to keep these tips secret from any friends whom you have competition with on the ice. Don’t be ashamed at suggesting once again “You have the lucky hole”

    Lastly, YES we all have our favorite colors right? For many it is the orange and Chart color combo; Afterall these are the brightest colors in the spectrum. For some it is PINK; Seems to always be a slab killer. Yet don’t overlook………BLACK or BROWN. I remember last year a buddy taking a long trip all the way back to camp to get more “Black” jigs. Sometimes when ON fish you don’t need to attract them from far distances right?? Ok so they see you now simulate to the best of your ability the precise look of a Mud Bug or larvea before he is a “Crappie Snack”!! Just a thought, but when is the last time you’ve seen a rainbow colored “Mud Bug”. Yes OF COURSE they work, but if the chips are down and the finicky crappies get “Crabby” I for one am “Getting Real” I suggest you do the same.

    Let’s Go “DONK” hunting!!

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Good Tips Chris, I do a similar technique for Perch by dropping my bait to the bottom and create a little mud boil. This will draw their attention and bang Perch on the ice.

    I normally use 2 or 3 Spikes at a time for that added movement. Not sure how much you guys oner in MN use Wigglers (Mayfly Larvae)but they are my go to bait when fishing gets tough. Here in Western Wisconsin if you say wigglers they think you mean red earth worms or some other grub. It is basically impossible to get Wigglers here, I grew up in Eastern WI and they are in every bait shop over there.

    Posts: 5660


    Good Tips Chris, I do a similar technique for Perch by dropping my bait to the bottom and create a little mud boil. This will draw their attention and bang Perch on the ice.

    I normally use 2 or 3 Spikes at a time for that added movement. Not sure how much you guys oner in MN use Wigglers (Mayfly Larvae)but they are my go to bait when fishing gets tough. Here in Western Wisconsin if you say wigglers they think you mean red earth worms or some other grub. It is basically impossible to get Wigglers here, I grew up in Eastern WI and they are in every bait shop over there.

    Great info!!

    Posts: 699

    That spot on spikes, and eurolarva especially, seems a bit tougher and they stay on the hook longer.

    Posts: 5660


    That spot on spikes, and eurolarva especially, seems a bit tougher and they stay on the hook longer.

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