I don’t know about 2 a daze but I accept the challenge!
To each their own. “2 A Daze” are a personal twist to my own element of pain that I deliver while assuring the next 2 mile deer drag or a mile long “Slush Shuffle” in a strange sense is actually looked forward to.
The common goal is simple; Outdoorsman use their deep driven passion for the Field and Ice to fuel the drive for a reasonable form of phyical fitness. Let’s face it many of us are are sometimes guilty of taking summers off then demanding ridiculous things from their body as fall and winter knocks at the door. For us it might be too many Nacho platters and Sha-Sha Tea’s….You might have your own Summer Slack. This for certain is not only dangerous, but certainly can limit ones effective nature while in pursuit of the biggest and baddest in “Manland”.
THE CHALLENGE?? The Challenge is to exercise to the point that it is UNCOMFORTABLE……THEN push above and beyond. Run, Walk, Treadmill, Elyptical……YOUR PLAN not mine. If you take a Ho-Ho break prior to a sweat bead up……..YOUR OUT!! Only you will know it. Of course work your way in at a moderate level…….GEEZ I’m not a doctor, but we all know that right? I’ve did this in various forms for the past 3 years and it ALWAYS provides me with the much needed energy and fitness to handle the physical demands of my career. Lacking a bit of energy……Get Cardio fit.
Run your life men…….Never let your life run you.
I’m 12 days in, and frankly feel in better shape than……..12 days ago.
I’ve got a lot of work to do after looking over maps to my next GO TO Buck hide out.
As far as “In the Moment” motivation?? For me it is always music. One might think I’m in training for the next Rocky movie, but in truth I never want that next ridge to seem too far away. I never want to let a monster Buck walk, because I’m too out of shape to drag it home. Lastly I never want to lose a race to the flag with my buddy because my “Snosuit” just seemed to drag me down.
You can come up with your own motivation men. I assure you in the end it is………YOU that wins!! 
Here is MY biggest motivation beyond the BIG BUCKS and MONSTER CRAPPIES…….Although those are some MONSTER CRAPPIES. 
MAN UP!! Your significant other will thank me. 
If YOUR IN state…….I’m IN!!