Ice update – Osakis Lake Area

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12367

    Just looking to see if anyone had any recent ice Info. for the Osakis Lake Area. I know last weekend there were a fair amount of people just starting to venture out on a few of the smaller lakes and Bays just a little North of that area. With the less than idea ice making conditions this last week just curious of the ice thickness slightly closer to home. I’m feeling the itch for ice fishing this weekend. It may be a matter of how far to the North I have to travel to get to some SAFE fishable ice.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 585

    I was at the cabin over the weekend and there was 3.5″ on the main lake. Not sure what happened the last couple days. Guessing it would be about the same

    Posts: 138

    I was fishing 1/2 hour north of there and had 4 inches.

    North Metro
    Posts: 978

    Can’t speak for Osakis exactly but my parents had a few people walking out on the lake they live on on the East side of the Horseshoe chain Saturday and Sunday.

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