What does everyone use for ice tackle bags? I was thinking about frabill soft tackle bag. Anyone used this? Looking for ideas and suggestions on what to get. Thanks for the help!

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What does everyone use for ice tackle bags? I was thinking about frabill soft tackle bag. Anyone used this? Looking for ideas and suggestions on what to get. Thanks for the help!
Gander Mountain had a bag with 3 clear boxes in it on sale for $40 for the longest time… I broke down and bought one. I have all of my tackle in it – spoons, jigs, tip up box, extra spools of line, and terminal tackle and it fits nicely in the bottom of the sled. My jig boxes fit in the sides, and it does a nice job of keeping stuff organized.
I got the bigger striker bag that holds 5 rods. The top compartments is more than big enough for two 3600 boxes (spoons and darters/rippin raps), 2 smaller jig boxes, bait pucks and odds and ends (pliers, headlamp, clippers, etc). The rod tubes offer decent protection for rods, but I don’t run miles on a sled/wheeler. I just wish it held more rods!
I have an old Scheels tackle bag that I bought when I worked there in college, can hold four 3600 boxes but I usually have three with other random stuff in there. The best part about it is the size, not too big or too small. It’s starting to show it’s wear after 15+ years and I’ll have to replace it soon. Here’s the most current version:
Lots of good options out there for you, good luck with what you decide.
go to cabelas and get yourself a few of these
they are always on sale (are now actually), very well constructed, and hold a lot of gear but are small and portable. Ive used one for ice fishing for years and its perfect. I also have a few I use for the boat and they work good for small outings or fishing from shore
I like using a ammo box. I’ve got a flambuea that fits 3 2700 size tackle boxes and then has the top cradle insert thing that I can fit smaller boxes in as well. Overall foot print is small and fits well in the sled. I typically only have one 2700 box and then have extra 12V battery, extra gloves/hat, extra lamp and lantern batteries, and the TP and first aid gear all in there as well. All in a hard side case too, works perfect for me. Oh and cost me about $25 I think.
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