Ice shanty for camping

  • Brian O Durga
    Posts: 2

    Hi, i want a shanty for camping on the lake. I seen a earlier forum from a guy from last year asking about the same 2 shanties that i want to ask about again. They are, the otter vortex resort hub and the clam 600. Im not interested in any other model but those 2 because of their sizes. if anyone has any pros and cons of these 2 models i’d appreciate it. I have watched all the youtube videos i could find about these shanties. Things id like to know are. Which one has the better zippers? Does any one know which one has better insulating material?

    Posts: 179

    Currently looking for the otter resort myself but you will have a hard time finding anyone with any (otter, eskimo, clam) of the large hubs in stock. Anyone have any insider information on when we can anticipate a restock? I assume production has taken a huge hit with everything.

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    I have a Clam 6-pack that is basically the same as the newer 600. It works good enough. Its large so it takes quite a bit of heat to keep it warm when the temps get down to the negatives, but warm is relative. It doesn’t frost up bad so the insulation is decent. Zipper problems seem to be resolved for me by getting the bind out of the shack. If its out of shape from being set up the zippers can get impossible to zip. Just even out the corner spacing and you can find a sweet spot. We put foam on the floor and use a battery fan and that helps a lot, both with heat retention and general comfort.

    1. 57E32508-437D-455F-A358-73101AAA14D1.jpeg

    Brian O Durga
    Posts: 2

    Yes, ive been looking for a while, but in no hurry in buying yet I actually wanted to buy one when i can find one after season with a discount if possible for next year. Right now im trying to decide which one because at my age it may be my last big purchase, considering they hold up for years. Also i think the 2 that I’m looking at should be big enough for 2 adults to sleep in comfortably?!?

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