thats guys. how big of a saw do you recommend? For my purposes, this will always be an early january activity, so about 1.5 ft of ice is going to be the most I’m cutting thru, most of the time it will be around 12″. Looks like there’s a 28″ saw and a 42″. Do I go with the 42″?
now you got me curious……i dont know how long mine is……..and its 4 hours north right now.
i wouldnt mess around get the 42 inch!!!
the one thing i noticed between my fishtoys and my buddies is, his doesnt cut as well as mine and i use mine way more then he does!!!!!
i sent mine back to him and had it sharpened once in all the years i had it. 1 piece of advice……….. even thoug hthe teeth dont appear to be all that sharp…..treat it like a razor blade…….dont ask how i know!!!!!