Ice Rod Tip Coloring?

  • Luke James Wilson
    Clarkston, Michigan
    Posts: 6

    Im new to ice rod building but im looking at some of my nice custom rods from larger company’s and id like to mimic the florescent chartreuse tips or the common bright orange tips. I mostly use BassKhang or blanks from Sportsman Direct, ive only made a couple longer noodle rods but I still haven’t found a paint or epoxy for the tips that isn’t too thick or cracks after a couple of trips on the ice. Could anyone give me some advice or link me some products that work?

    Thanks -Luke

    Loren I Duerr
    Posts: 114

    if you have facebook join Custom Ice rod builders group. there are lots of people that can give you ideas. I lightly sand off original color take Hi viz krylon fusion and apply lightly with a q-tip.

    Luke James Wilson
    Clarkston, Michigan
    Posts: 6

    Thank you!, have you had any issues with the paint cracking off the blank?

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I’d consider phosphorescent glow paint, even just a tiny bit under the epoxy of the tip guide. If I were a rod builder, I’d give it a shot.

    I put some on gunsights this year and it actually works. Even the tiniest amount of ambient light makes the sights glow; for example, the last minutes of legal hunting time. I think the light off your sonar would cause it to glow really nicely. I’m just not sure about the longevity. Some say it doesn’t last long; other say it does.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12610

    I use the 2 tube epoxy and mix in a little Pro Tec powder paint.
    Put a small amount on the tip top and let the rod dryer level it out.
    If you want to do a section of the rod tip I’d try the same thing but use your guide finishing epoxy. Another route you could go is using a flexible spray paint.

    That sunbeam yellow in that Fusion paint looks like it would work real well on a rod tip.

    Posts: 1291

    I sand and paint my noodle blanks.I left about 2″ from the tip unpainted,and used a neon Sharpie to highlight it.Then a light coat of lacquer clear to seal it.2 years and 0 issues.I prefer orange,but there are other colors available.With the Sharpie,there is no way to overcoat and has 0 effects on action.

    For carbon rods,I just wrap the last guide and tip with white thread and give them the Sharpie treatment.

    For painting the blanks,I just use automotive lacquer spray paint.Dries fast and durable.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    I have to yet find a way to put paint on that I like. The bright glow-in-the-dark thread wraps seem to work just fine for me. They even show up in the day light.

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    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I have to yet find a way to put paint on that I like. The bright glow-in-the-dark thread wraps seem to work just fine for me. They even show up in the day light.

    I like those a lot!

    Posts: 33

    I too run the BassKhang’s and SD, but I still sand both near the tips to get the diameter I’m after. To repaint, I use Krylon as a base coat (white for the tip), then after a day or two of dry time, I hit with Testors Pactra in either Fluorescent Orange (preferred) or Fluorescent Green, 2 coats. I will then tape off that section after it has dried, then I hit the rest of the blank with whatever color I want it to be.

    I’ve been playing around with different tip colors, and how much of the tip to paint. I will do at least to the first guide, but usually the second (so around 5″ from the tip). I prefer the orange, but also use green, yellow, and pink. I will also use the same color thread as the tip color for the guides in that area to make it all come together. Also, when adding my first coat of finish to the guides in the colored tip area, I will add a drop or two of Testors paint to the epoxy, along with some glow-in-the-dark pigment.

    Luke James Wilson
    Clarkston, Michigan
    Posts: 6

    Thanks for the reply’s, im definitely going to experiment with all of the suggestions given.

    Luke James Wilson
    Clarkston, Michigan
    Posts: 6

    I’d consider phosphorescent glow paint, even just a tiny bit under the epoxy of the tip guide. If I were a rod builder, I’d give it a shot.

    I put some on gunsights this year and it actually works. Even the tiniest amount of ambient light makes the sights glow; for example, the last minutes of legal hunting time. I think the light off your sonar would cause it to glow really nicely. I’m just not sure about the longevity. Some say it doesn’t last long; other say it does.

    I worry about it cracking on such a sensitive blank but i will definitely try it, If it works it will come out pretty bad ass.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    The yellow is by far the brightest one.

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