Ice Rod Guide Spacing

  • Luke James Wilson
    Clarkston, Michigan
    Posts: 6

    I am using a 36 inch BassKhang Gen 3 blank, I am wondering if anyone with experience could give me the proper guide spacings, I have two #2 Fly Guides. one #3 one #4 one #5 and one #10 high foot. total 6 guides plus one hook keeper, id appreciate any tips about spacing or the exact measurments I should use. I have a 6inch BassKhang cork handle as well paired with the blank.

    Thanks -Luke

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007

    If you fish outside in very cold weather the #2 and #3 guides are maybe a bit small. I usually go with no smaller than #4’s to cut down on guide icing issues.

    This spacing is what I use as a starting point for 36″ noodle rods (as measured from the rod tip to the guide ring.)

    Tip top, 2 5/8, 5, 7 1/4, 10 3/4, 17

    Attach the guides with tape, bands, etc. and the reel with line to do a load test and adjust the spacing as needed.

    Keeping a log book of your builds helps a LOT for future builds.

    Good luck and enjoy your rod!

    Posts: 40

    I’m certainly not an expert with rod building but have built a few rods. I used a web program that was created by Chris Stanton which contained “factory/production” spacing details for a few different manufacturers. I don’t recall what the website was called but you might want to reach out to chris on Facebook, he also has a wealth of knowledge and builds beautiful rods. Just a thought

    Posts: 674

    I have used both #2 and #3 fly guides and think they work pretty well. I’ve settled on usually using 3s as the smallest guides on noodle rods but the 2s should be ok.

    I agree that each blank is a little different and guides need to be adjusted accordingly. I’ve the stretchy string you can get at wal mart for making bracelets or necklaces to temporarily tie guides on. Holds them well enough for static testing and still easy to adjust spacing.

    Basically you’re looking for the line going through the guides to follow a smooth path with no sharp angles.


    Posts: 4532

    Luke, Ge gives the spacing for all his blanks, shoot him a Email

    Corey sunderman
    Posts: 55

    Sheppy- the program is no longer available to the public he sold it to a rod building company I beleive

    Elk River
    Posts: 140

    Here is Bass Khangs Guide spacing guide.

    Here is another setup for a 36″ Power Noodle

    MFG Name
    V-Line Custom Rods

    Build Name
    Gnarly Noodle

    Blank Length

    Grip Length

    Blank Material

    Image Url:
    Tip Tip

    2nd Guide

    3rd Guide

    4th Guide

    5th Guide

    6th Guide

    7th Guide
    8th Guide
    Tip Tip – 2nd
    2 1/4

    2nd – 3rd
    2 3/4

    3rd – 4th
    3 1/2

    4th – 5th
    4 1/2

    5th – 6th
    5 3/4

    Posts: 40

    Sheppy- the program is no longer available to the public he sold it to a rod building company I beleive

    Wow, I did not know that. Good for Chris!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    You can use the spacing onepine shared from bass khangs but I think there are better placements for the guides. Grab some small orthodontist rubber bands and play with the number of guides and locations. I built on one of the BK panfish deadstick blanks and used way more than their 3 guide reference guide suggested.

    Posts: 426

    You can use the spacing onepine shared from <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass khangs but I think there are better placements for the guides. Grab some small orthodontist rubber bands and play with the number of guides and locations. I built on one of the BK panfish deadstick blanks and used way more than their 3 guide reference guide suggested.

    I used 5 guides on a BK panfish carbon rod that I cut down to 27″

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