Ice Rod Comparison

  • Nathan Bayerl
    Posts: 69

    So, I’m trying to keep up with the custom ice rod market and was wondering what your opinions are on a few rods. I know a couple of the rods are new to the market.
    Thorne Brothers Quiverstick compared to TUCR Bullwhip
    Thorne Brothers Medium Heavy Walleye Sweetheart compared to TUCR Commander
    Any info is much appreciated
    Positive or Negative

    Posts: 410

    I own thorne bros rods and can say they make great rods. TUCR from the shopping I have done looks like you get more bang for your buck now. Thorne bros I would learn towards more for the heaver actions. Try both. You can’t go wrong.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    The quiverstick is more like a Precision rod/Quicktip because it is carbon fiber.
    The Bullwhip is more of the noodle type rod, but with a backbone.

    The Commander vs a Walleye SW, they are different rods really hard to compare those.

    If want give me a call I may be able to help out better on the phone too.

    Thank you


    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    When you get to that level they are all good rods. John at TUCR supports us, why not support him?

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Boss has it right… They are all good rods but IMO the thing that sets the TUCR apart from the other custom rods out there is the customer service. waytogo

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12375

    I owned several Thorne ice rods. I thought they were great rods. That was till I tried, and purchased several TUC Rods. Now I know that Thorne bro’s rods are good rods, but TUC rods are GREAT rods. If you have any additional questions contact John At TUC. he will answer all of you questions.

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Boss has it right… They are all good rods but IMO the thing that sets the TUCR apart from the other custom rods out there is the customer service.  :waytogo:


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