Ice Rod Building Guide Size and Spacing Database

  • Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    Hello IDO,

    My name is Chris Stanton and I am a Software Developer by day and have been building fishing, as a hobby, for a handle-full of years. In fact, I do wrap rods for one of the top 3 local custom rod shops in the Minnesota Metro area. Generally, I have been keeping all of my guide size and spacing specifics in an Excel spreadsheet but recently develop an app to do this. The app is in its early stages and does not have a name yet but is working! So far my database includes guide size and spacing specifics for all of DH Custom Rod’s models including specific specs to blank lengths and handle lengths. There are also stats for blanks that can be found at Jann’s NetCraft, Mudhole (both CRB and MHX blanks) and Sportsman’s Direct. All stats are specific to blank model and handle length and will return specifics including: MFG Name, Blank Name, Blank Length, Handle Length, Number of Guide, Specific guide sizes and guide spacing measurements. I will also incorporate all of my notes on specific blanks which will include: blank quality, blank finish, where it can be bought, and most importantly wether the blank is worth buying or not. All DH guide size and spacing data was given to me by Dustin (Owner of DH) and are the current measurements in production. Anything else, factory measurements were taken into consideration but were not followed in most cases. These measurements were develop by myself and in my opinion is a better option. Most of the blanks on todays market I have built on and do have specs for; However, I’m working on building up the database to include all of my notes which is a time consuming task. Any suggestions, recommendation and/or want to have specs added, please feel free to email me.

    Note: App will work on mobile devices but is optimized for lap and desktop computers. Database is up-to-date but only contains 50% of my specs and notes.


    Thanks IDO

    1. Screen-Shot-2017-10-27-at-2.20.40-PM.png

    2. Screen-Shot-2017-10-27-at-2.20.17-PM.png

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Thank you Chris for the information.

    Michael Boyack
    Posts: 29

    I have two blanks coming from DH tomorrow and was just wondering if the spacing would be included. Great resource you have provided. Thanks in advance.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The site comes up with headings, but is blank for the rest of the main page and the drop down menu. Using win7 and IE.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    The issue is the version IE that you are using does not like the front-end framework that the app was built on. I just tried it with Edge and it worked fine. Win7 comes stock with IE11 and Angular(front-end framework), in particular, really hates IE11. I’m guessing thats your problem? Internet Explore doesn’t support a decent amount of web development “features” that most other browsers do. At some point I’ll add code to fix that but for now you’ll have to use any other browser or any mobile device.

    Kevin Roskam
    Posts: 18

    Thanks! This is fantastic and the link works great in Safari.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54


    More blanks were added to the database and new blank details include specific lure weights with pictures. The lure weight data will be updated to be more specific soon. There will also be detailed instructions on how to use a noodle blank as a bobberless deadstick (equipment setup instructions).

    1. Screen-Shot-2017-11-01-at-11.17.50-PM.png

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    All DH noodle rod models all use the same blank. Dustin doesn’t official have a name for a 36” noodle model but you can find the spacing for a 36” under the longboard option and then select 36” blank in the next option and then you should be good.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    It seems like the rods listed are mainly inside rods with shorter blanks and smaller guides? Great for in the shelter, but maybe add a note to increase the running guides and tip to #4’s or so for outdoor rods to cut down on icing.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean by “inside” and “outside” guide setups? I think most companies that build rods like these, use a similar setup. The smallest size, tip top, is a fly wire style size 2 guide. Below is an attachment to the first link I saw at MudHole’s website that best describes, size-wise, these “running” fly wire style guides. The “stripping/stripper” guide are all spinning size 10s. I think what you might be referring to are fly guides that are more of a cross between fly/micro style guides? These typically have a ring insert and rule a lot smaller on the “size scale”. If these are what you are referring to, you are right on. It is hard to run the smaller sizes in these guides outside. Or, you could be onto something that I don’t know about? Thanks for the feedback.

    1. recoil.png

    2. standard-fly.png

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Inside a heated shelter small guides are fine.

    Outside (not in a shelter) in below freezing temps small guides are more prone to icing up.

    The #2 wire fly guides that are recommended on most of the setups are on the small side for fishing outside – #4’s are a better choice for tip guides and running guides for rods used in colder conditions. Some people go even larger.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    I won’t change Dustin Hafner’s specs for his blanks at DH Custom Rods and Tackle because these are the specifics for current production. I don’t think that would be right and I wouldn’t do that to any other company that is or wants to be in this DB. In my opinion, the sizing and spacing specs i’m giving away, are pretty optimal for all the blanks listed. I also think that as soon as slack gets in your line with bigger guides, the line just wraps around them and is even more prone to happening when fishing outside. The fly guides I use all have the same length foot from size 1/0 through size 7. I think that if you wanted to, you could still use the spacing given and be able to use bigger guides. This will change the geometry slightly but I don’t think it would be anything of concern. The only concern I see, could be adding bigger guides to a noodle tip section. The added weight will load the tip section up more and will take away from the load that your jig putting on the tip section. I also know that a size 2 is about the biggest size you can wrap on a nitinol or comparable wire, for a spring bobber setup. The only wire sizes that I’ve found, that work well in an ice fishing application, will not support anything bigger than a size 2.

    For what its worth, between the ice rods I sold personally last winter and the ice rods I built under DH’s name, last winter, has exceeded the 1000 (rods built marker) and have never been asked for bigger guide sizes. I am currently working on a handful of rods and a few of them are noodle rods. I’d be willing to wrap on different guide sizes and add a min and max guide size range thats specific to each noodle blanks to the DB?

    Also, I’ve had a few DM requests to add TUCR and Thorne Bros to the DB. In regards to that, I do not know their guide spacing and sizes. This project come about because I originally had all my specs stored in my computer or on a spreadsheet. I though it would be a lot more convenient for myself if I converted my spreadsheet into an app that I could view with my phone and or reference the link to people that ask for spacing (which is very often). The reason why DH is in the DB is because I have a history with building rods for him and build all my ice rods off his blanks because in my opinion, DH blanks are one of the best. Also, I am not being paid or making any money off this app. I enjoy rod building and when i started, I had no help, guidance or an outlet to got to. I learned the hard way by trial and error. The data thats being pasted on, is the results from of all of my mishaps and screwed up rods (lessons learned the hard way).

    Thanks for the feedback and I hope this offers a better understanding on why the guide sizes are the way there are listed.

    Justin Carlson
    Lennox SD
    Posts: 16

    Any new blanks added to the app yet?

    Ryan Erickson
    Posts: 1

    Is this app still available? I clicked on the link and says its down for maintenance.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I believe Chris sold it so I don’t think it will be back. Some of the places you pick up your blanks from will give you suggested spacing.

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