Ice report?

  • Chey N.
    Posts: 2

    Hey all! Supposed to head out on the croix Friday to do some ice fishing and have been hearing a lot about sketchy conditions.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated. I’m new to ice fishing (and admittedly a little nervous.)


    Posts: 1892

    There was a Dodge Durango that went through over the weekend out of Bayport.

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    If you are new to ice fishing and don’t know how to check the ice and tell good from bad, I wouldn’t drive out. Walking should be fine for most areas, as long as you don’t go towards the power plant. I’m thinking of heading out on Saturday and checking as I go with my truck. It will take time, but I prefer to stay on top of the ice. If I find areas with less than 12″, I’m parking on shore and walking.

    I was on 9″ of ice right out from Bayport a couple weeks ago. The weather hasn’t been great for making ice, until this week. Hopefully it firms up and doesn’t get too beat up this weekend.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Bring ice picks. They take up no space, weigh almost nothing, and give you a chance should something happen. Not trying to scare you off, it’s a very fun and rewarding sport. Just keep in mind it’s riskier than some.

    Lots of people fish the river on ice, and lots of people will tell you no way never go on the river. Just do so safely and you’ll have fun. keep your truck/ car off the river until you see others, and I mean lots of others. No reason to try to be first to drive out especially if you’re new to ice.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Agree with above post. I wont drive out there until there’s lots of traffic for weeks. We need real winter weather to make it safe. We have not gotten any real winter weather this season. Its sad really.

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