Just bought a new TUCR precision and want to buy a nice ice reel to go with it, I know the guys on the show use shimano reels which I also prefer for my summer reels. What models and sizes what anyone recommend?

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Just bought a new TUCR precision and want to buy a nice ice reel to go with it, I know the guys on the show use shimano reels which I also prefer for my summer reels. What models and sizes what anyone recommend?
I run all Sedonas on my rods and I love them! The Sienna is a good reel for the price, but the Sedona has fewer plastic parts, better drag, and holds up to the cold much better. Last year when I upgraded all my reels I narrowed it down between Sedonas and Pflueger Presidents… After the iffy reviews on the Presidents I chose the Sedona, and I’m glad I did!
Sienna or Sedona in the 500 size have been recommend a lot. There is also the Tica Cetus is another popular reel. When I started I bought Daiwa Laguna and have not had a reason to upgrade.
Take a look at the Tica Cetus SE. It’s the same price as the Sedona but you get 2 metal spools. I have both Sedona and Tica and don’t really have a preference between the 2 but having 2 spools is a big bonus for me.
Shimano Sienna 500. They’re about 1/3 the cost of the Sedonas (nice as they are), and you can upgrade the drag to a carbon fiber washer with some hot sauce for less than $10. In fact, when you tack on shipping, I upgraded all three of my Sienna’s for less than $15. Where will you be fishing, primarily? In a shack or outside?
Shimano Sienna 500. They’re about 1/3 the cost of the Sedonas (nice as they are), and you can upgrade the drag to a carbon fiber washer with some hot sauce for less than $10. In fact, when you tack on shipping, I upgraded all three of my Sienna’s for less than $15. Where will you be fishing, primarily? In a shack or outside?
Where are you buying Sedona’s that they are $90?! Sienna’s base price is normally $30 and Sedona’s sit right at $60.
I’m personally a Tica guy for my 500 size reels, I have always had good luck with them. I run the SB and SS 500s for most of my ice rods. Probably overkill in some situations, but I’ve been happy with their performance.
Where are you buying Sedona’s that they are $90?! Sienna’s base price is normally $30 and Sedona’s sit right at $60.
I’m not. I wait for the Sienna’s to bottom out at around $20-25. It doesn’t happen often but when they do I usually buy one or two. Try the bargain bin at some Gander Mountain locations, or specials on Amazon. I’d love to equip all of my rods with Sedona’s since they are a better-built reel, but the budget dictates otherwise. I’ve been plenty happy with the Sienna’s. I also fish in a wheelhouse a good portion of the winter, so the drag issue doesn’t much affect me. Good luck!
I picked up a PfluegerTrion yesterday for 30$.It seems ok so far,only used it for a couple hours yesterday but the drag worked smoothly and it reels nice and smooth.I know its a better quality reel then what I have been useing for the past few years,so we will see how well it holds up.
What ever you purchase take the time to clean out the factory Grease and replace with Hot Sauce. It will make a big difference in performance in cold weather. Also mentioned replace the washers with Carbon fiber if the reel you purchase does not already have them. I’ve been using Sedona’s the last few years and have been real happy with them.
I don’t know how much money your looking to spend, but I have 2 Shimano symetre’s in the 500 size and they got to be about the best 500 size reel I have used. I also have sedonas that I haven’t had problems with, but the symetres are by far a better reel.
Pflueger used to make outstanding ice reels but appear to have gotten out of the market because they have none on their website.
I’ve got a mix of reels, Shimano Sienna 500 & 1000, Pfluger Trion, also been adding some 13 fishing wicked long stems. I like the long stem reels: 5BB and a 4.8:1 ratio. These create the perfect grip and holding positions for my style of fishing. Guess time will tell about the quality of them and how they hold up, but no issues yet.
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