Ice Out: Past and Present

  • #1920800

    Forecasts call for 65 degrees and sun tomorrow. Overnight lows are beginning to climb above the freezing point at 32 degrees. How long until the lakes open up?

    Last year was a late ice out. Two years ago was really early. What are your predictions for this year?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10779

    I’m so confused! I want to keep ice fishing but I want to be sitting on my pontoon also

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2197

    Should be early. Not as much ice formed this year due to all the snow. I didn’t have to use a auger extension once this year. Once the snows gone the ice won’t take long if temps stay mild. But this is March so if we get some warm temps to soften things up a bit and then that March snowstorm the ice could break up and sink pretty quickly.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8614

    I’d think anything in the Southern half of the state will be out early. I was out on the backwaters of Pool 4 today, and the days here a numbered…as in only a few days left. The river is slated to rise 3+’ in the next week which will make getting onto the ice sheets nearly impossible in some places.

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