Ice Man Cometh!

  • Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    The forecast looks promising to cap some water in the Dakotas and MN this upcoming weekend. Fished this past Friday and the water temps were still around 47 in NE SD so it may take a few nights but with highs below freezing and single digit (possibly negative) lows forecast through all of next week we should hopefully see a good start!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    Won’t be long before the first fool falls through thin ice attempting to get that first ice fish.

    Posts: 2117

    Bring a chipper, can’t wait for first ice lol.

    Posts: 1507

    Can’t wait here’s hoping!

    Posts: 1029

    You know first ice is getting close when the curmudgeon’s start talking smack about the first ice fisherman.

    Looks like one more weekend of hunting then it is time to hit the ice!

    Posts: 119

    All first icers just casually go on the lake without any precautions whatsoever. None of them drill test holes, use spud bars, carry rescue gear, or read ice conditions. And nobody has experience except the guy behind a keyboard judging other guys

    Also sarcasm.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I’m a first icer but I may give it up this year to extend my pheasant season. Ill still be an early icer though!!

    Posts: 24548

    When people are driving atvs out I walk. When people drive out I use an atv or snowmobile. Definitely not a first icer.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Pssh. I saw a Maple Grove girl wakeboarding a few days ago. peace

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8971

    It’s coming. Even here along Pool 4 there are some days forecasted to not get to freezing.

    I just have way too much crap to do before the ground freezes and snow is flying. Looks like some late nights in the fields, in the yard, and in the garage.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    The forecast is looking favorable!

    Posts: 119

    When people are driving atvs out I walk. When people drive out I use an atv or snowmobile. Definitely not a first icer.

    Thats not a bad rule to go by. My rule is I take the recommended ice thickness chart and add 3 inches for each thing. Also I dont drive until other people are doing it in same areas in accordance with first rule.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11059

    I broke my “don’t be the first” rule last season.
    Went out Thanksgiving weekend, I thought I did good re-con. Well I didn’t fish that weekend but dang near went swimming. crazy doah

    Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    Even in my hay day I was never a first icer. Pretty much have followed Captain Musky’s rule of thumb over the years as well…never the first one on or last one off!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    As long as it’s 3-4 inches of good ice and I have my spud, I go out. First ice or not, doesn’t matter.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1518

    Sometimes Im a first on the ice guy, other times Im pushing the guy in front of me, but always in shallow water for that early – if Im going thru, I want to be able to stand up and just be cold/wet and get out. I feel comfortable on good/clear ice once it hits 3in+. For deep water, I prefer to wait until its closer to 4in

    Posts: 2849

    Well Frederick the old curmudgeon’s are right.

    Posts: 3913

    Frederick, we didnt get to be old curmudgeons by being dumbazzes, sometimes it pays to listen to a few of them, it could mean your life.
    Fish are cheap at the supermarket and there isnt one swimming thats worth mine until its safe.

    Posts: 3319

    Are these 1st ice guys young 165 pounders or old 250 pounders? Asking for a friend. whistling

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18732

    I’m a first icer but I may give it up this year to extend my pheasant season.

    I like it. I hunt until the season ends.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12902

    my brother went out fishing thursday before deer opener and said water temp was still45 degrees. that was in Itasca county….think it might be a bit yet!!!

    Posts: 1029

    I’ll probably be out by next weekend if the temp forecast holds. That is unless there are good duck numbers hanging around. Floating suit, pics and a spud. Early ice isn’t rocket science. People who go through don’t take precautions. If you are smart you aren’t on ice that will be a problem and in worse case scenario you get out if you do go through because you are equipped.

    But I bet it’s a lot more fun sitting on your couch calling the guys fishing dumb azzes.

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    I’ll probably be out by next weekend if the temp forecast holds. That is unless there are good duck numbers hanging around. Floating suit, pics and a spud. Early ice isn’t rocket science. People who go through don’t take precautions. If you are smart you aren’t

    [quote=2158212]I’ll probably be out by next weekend if the temp forecast holds. That is unless there are good duck numbers hanging around. Floating suit, pics and a spud. Early ice isn’t rocket science. People who go through don’t take precautions. If you are smart you aren’t on ice that will be a problem and in worse case scenario you get out if you do go through because you are equipped.

    But I bet it’s a lot more fun sitting on your couch calling the guys fishing dumb azzes.

    amem brother. Stay safe and ill be out as well.

    Posts: 5305

    Not a big ice fisherman but there definitely is something special popping holes in virgin ice.

    Posts: 3913

    Frederick, Being the first one to do anything can be loads of fun especially if there is some risk to go along with it, I know, I have been there many times myself.
    I do believe that risk is a necessary thing at times, its when its unnecessary and tragedy could’ve been avoided is where many of us have trouble when a life is lost or changed forever.

    It could be that using the term dumbazz wasnt the right terminology to use but many of us here have known of someone, lost a loved one or close friend ( I have ) to thin ice even after they were warned of the what ifs and they chose to go anyway.
    Sure, experience is everything right?? it helps I will give it that but in my mind ice is a fickle thing when its less than 3 inches thick, especially where currents or springs that are unknown in new to us places can exist.

    I could go on but I am sure you know what you are doing so let me reword my previous dumbazz comment with the following.
    Frederick and other first ice pioneers, I wish you all of the luck in the world but we do not want to read about you in the obits so please just be extra damn careful, someone somewhere is counting on you to come home safe.

    Posts: 119

    Every human action has risk but early ice can be mitigated to acceptable levles of risk. Risk adverse people can often times be unfairly critical of others especially without even knowing how certain risks can be mitigated. Occasionally see youtube videos of people calling the cops in urban areas because they dont even realize there are ways to do it more safely.

    Matt Waste
    Posts: 67

    As long as it’s 3-4 inches of good ice and I have my spud, I go out. First ice or not, doesn’t matter.

    EXACTLY! Its not rocket surgery to not fall through. I wear float
    Suit, picks, keep dry clothes in truck and spud bar your way out so you can follow same path back. Just be prepared and use your brain. Best fishing of the season is first ice.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1560

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>
    As long as it’s 3-4 inches of good ice and I have my spud, I go out. First ice or not, doesn’t matter.

    EXACTLY! Its not rocket surgery to not fall through. I wear float
    Suit, picks, keep dry clothes in truck and spud bar your way out so you can follow same path back. Just be prepared and use your brain. Best fishing of the season is first ice.

    And last ice.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18732

    Its not rocket surgery to not fall through

    I think people are generally pretty careful about the first ice when they start walking out there. The people I know creep along with a spud or ice pick to ensure there is solid ice in front of them.

    The issue seems to rear its ugly head a little later when people think its safe to drive a truck out there. Or when a big piece of ice floats off from the main land like on Lake Superior.

    From the DNR website:

    1. ice_thickness_banner.jpg

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1848

    Are these 1st ice guys young 165 pounders or old 250 pounders? Asking for a friend. whistling

    I’m the latter. I am usually the one that has to go out first, the guys I fish with figure if the ice is safe for Steve, it’s safe for them. I gotta start ice fishing with Andre the Giant, so he goes out first mrgreen

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