Ice Institute

  • ekruger01
    Posts: 613

    If your in the neighborhood, its worth the stop. This show is my favorite show to work. Smaller show, but huge turnout every year and growing. Most of the big names are there minus a few, with really good deals like the st paul show. Dakota Angler does a great job, I believe James is giving a seminar there this year as well.

    Posts: 737

    I went on Friday. Crowd seemed a little lighter, but that could’ve just been timing on our part. Few vendors that I like to visit (TUCR, Frostbite) with weren’t there this year, otherwise all the regulars. Frostbite had the Winnipeg show, maybe that was the issue. Good to talk with Jason at HD Innovations and bought his shuttle bag/backpack and ducer cover. Got some 7-9mm tungstens from Amped….not sure exactly what I’ll do with those but have a few ideas. I’ve found this isn’t a show where you will find amazing “deals”, usually can find cheaper online or later in the year; but it is nice to support individuals and locally, as well as see some of the new items in person.

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    Debated about going, but it’s almost a 5 hour drive one-way for me, so I would probably make a weekend out of it…arrive Saturday, leave Sunday. Not sure it’s a big enough draw to make it worthwhile. I’ll probably go to the St. Paul show…I’ve heard the crowds have let up a little bit in recent years, which could be from those heading up to Red Lake for early ice. I didn’t like being crammed like sardines in there.

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