ice fishing vermilion

  • Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    Never been to Vermilion before, going to head up there on Tuesday. Any info on where to start, what bay to fish out of or which access has good spots within short distance? Anyone know if people are driving out there yet? Looking to catch walleyes/perch or anything I guess. Or how abouts a good bait shop to call for current info. Thanks.

    Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    so no one on this site has ever fished vermilion? find that hard to believe. in case anyone was wondering, which you probably weren’t since none of you fish vermilion. fished between Mckinley park and ely island in the morning, lots of wheel houses in the area. only caught one white fish. in the afternoon drove over to mouth of everetts bay and stay until dark. only caught one white fish. must have drilled near 100 holes total, not much going on. from what I heard others were having similar results.

    Posts: 585

    I’m heading up there for the New Years not sure wat day but sometime next week. I’m not a huge ice fisherman since I spend most of my winter on pool 4 but my wife’s family’s cabin is by mocasin point. Not sure where we will fish but we are going to cover some areas with a lot of tip ups. I’ll let u know.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1737

    Tim Jim, don’t feel so put out, not much activity in this area… I fished it each of the last two Sept.’s. in a Doc Sonar seminar up at Vermilion Dam. A fellow IDO’er from Rochester moved up there two years ago and we see a little musky info from him (AJ Weisner) and there one other regular (DaveB) that throws up a little bit here and there.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4543

    Vermilion isn’t much of an ice fishing lake. In 30 years or so of going there, I have barely wet a line in the winter. Sometimes, there is just too much dang ice!

    From the talk around the lake, most people fish the south end of Big Bay outside of McKinley Park and Pike Bay.

    You wont see more than a handful out houses on the water and will be lucky to see anyone fishing.

    It is a winter wonderland for snow mobiling though!

    Posts: 1275

    I haven’t ice fished it since they implemented the slot for pike on the lake. It used to be my favorite lake for tip up and spear fishing. I saw more big fish there than I can recall. Many walleye dinners as well, jigging structure right before dark.


    Reid Saarela
    Posts: 1

    I was out fishing in big bay last weekend and it was pretty slow. Although I can’t complain for my first time icefishing the big v.We were fishing 25-34 ft and caught 2 slot walleye(21&24),some dinks(8-10 in.), a few jumbos, a pike and a tullibee. Always fun to take the sleds out and do some fishing though! We have been going up to vermilion for 15+ years but just built a year round place for snowmobiling and icefishing! Just wondering how others were doing and what was working for them. Also I plan on heading up their later this year after walleye season. Does anybody have any tips on crappie and bluegill late ice? Thanks

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