Ice Fishing Rainbow Trout in North Dakota – S14 E14

  • Jakob
    Posts: 1282

    If you like catching Huge Rainbow Trout and you also like Ice Fishing, this show is for you! James Holst and Pj Vick travel to North Dakota and find some of the Largest Rainbow trout caught through the ice!

    This weeks Spot on the Spot ID – Focuses on how-to use the Humminbird FISH SMART app to increase your catch rate when Ice Fishing the Big Rainbow trout found in some of North Dakotas Lakes.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    That was a great show. I’ve fished big rainbows on Holter Lake in MT on soft water, 5 lb’ers all night long. I can’t imagine that through the ice (there’s a show for you)

    Gary Pursley
    Posts: 1

    Great episode! I moved to ND about 8 years ago from Alaska, and trout fishing is something that Ive really missed. I knew there was some trout fishing around, but had no idea. Guess its time to do some research and hit the ice for some CPR trout.

    Posts: 36

    Hey gary Dm me ill give u the hook up on a great lake north of minot for rainbows i used to get um trolling during the day

    1. 20170827_122751.jpg

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    The “Spot on the Spot” feature makes every one of these shows special.


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    Great show! Always neat to see something different right here in the Midwest – I’d never seen rainbow trout caught through the ice before.

    Neal Winter
    Posts: 2

    Great epsiode! what hook size did you use for treble? ive recenty become new to set line fishing for bows and am trying to avoid gut hooking fish. I really thought it was awesome you two managed to avoid that.

    i use a size #4 and #6 octopus hook.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Great epsiode! what hook size did you use for treble? ive recenty become new to set line fishing for bows and am trying to avoid gut hooking fish. I really thought it was awesome you two managed to avoid that.

    i use a size #4 and #6 octopus hook.


    #12-#14 trebles. Almost every fish gets hooked in the corner of the mouth.

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