Ice fishing gear for sale.

  • keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Hello fellow IDOers. It is with a heavy heart that I’m making this post. I’m selling ALL of my dad’s ice fishing gear. I know it’s out of season but he recently passed away very unexpectedly and my mom needs money to cover the bills for awhile. He has a new Dave Genz Yukon XL thermal ice house with lights and a battery for the light inside.
    A marcum aqua camera
    6 rods/reels 2 cases 3 combos in each.
    A Eskimo auger
    3 sleds 2 are brand new
    A big buddy heater he did use a big propane tank with it we have the hose for that I’m sure.
    Miscellaneous tips ups and buckets.
    It was his passion everything is new or taken really well care wise. If anyone needs anything or knows anyone please spread the word. For the house pick up will be necessary probably due to me not having a vehicle big enough for it. I will post pictures below thank you.

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    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Some pics

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    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Keith, sorry to hear the bad news. My condolences. Where abouts are you located? I’m looking for around a 60” sled

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39


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    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Keith, sorry to hear the bad news. My condolences. Where abouts are you located? I’m looking for around a 60” sled

    Mom lives in crystal MN. The sleds are 53 L 25W 10H. So smaller then you may be looking for.

    Posts: 703

    Keith, very sorry for your loss. I see you are still updating the post. Do you have an idea on prices you are looking for? Location?

    I could potentially be interested in the Yukon XL and/or Vexilar.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Keith, very sorry for your loss. I see you are still updating the post. Do you have an idea on prices you are looking for? Location?

    I could potentially be interested in the Yukon XL and/or Vexilar.

    The Yukon is 780 brand new he only used it once. I would like around 400 for the house but it is all a negotiation so shoot me an offer. I’m no ice fisherman so the prices are guesses. The vexlar I have no idea what it is worth so make an offer. I know what they cost new that’s about it.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    I didn’t list prices because I’m open to negotiations. The stuff is located in crystal MN near Brooklyn center I’m sure I spelt that wrong. Most the stuff I can fit in my car just not the ice house.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    My number is 7157056633. Feel free to txt for info. If you call and I don’t answer just leave a message

    Posts: 24668

    Keith, again, sorry for the loss! Its a bummer you couldnt put these to use yourself, but understand the situation.

    I think by consensus the guys here wouldnt take advantage of you, but do some checking on pricing for the items you have so you dont let it go for far less than its worth. I think that house may be worth significantly more than that, but I dont have Clam stuff myself. I know the new ones go for $700+, but if you have a little time do some searching and see where things are at for the bigger ticket items at least.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Keith, again, sorry for the loss! Its a bummer you couldnt put these to use yourself, but understand the situation.

    I think by consensus the guys here wouldnt take advantage of you, but do some checking on pricing for the items you have so you dont let it go for far less than its worth. I think that house may be worth significantly more than that, but I dont have Clam stuff myself. I know the new ones go for $700+, but if you have a little time do some searching and see where things are at for the bigger ticket items at least.

    Yea I’m careful of that I work at the hated cabela’s so I know what everything is worth retail. The vexlar is the oldest item he has. Everything works like a champ. The man took pride in keeping his gear clean and like new.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Sorry for your loss. Hope your mom gets along ok. What model Vex? Your Yukon is worth more than 400 for sure.

    Ross Gunderson
    Posts: 114

    Really sorry to hear Keith. I may be interested in the camera for the kiddo’s. Text sent.

    Alex Fox
    Posts: 458

    Keith, sorry for your loss. On a down year, that house is worth much more than $400. Now that covid has made any outdoor product worth solid gold, it’s even a better time to sell.

    Case in point, we just sold a 23 year old wheeler in terrible shape for 2k. It ran yes, but I wouldn’t have paid 500 for it. Anything outdoor oriented is going to sell.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    I understand the demand for outdoor gear I sell fishing stuff as my job and know how small inventory is but I still have a hard time charging more I always sell my old gear for cheaper. I know I could get 500 for it maybe more but it retails for 778 new. 400 seemed fair to me and it’ll get us a few bills covered until dad’s insurances and what not pay my mom.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    I have a few unanswered texts and I apologize I didn’t get to them today I will txt y’all back tomorrow afternoon if I didn’t today.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Sorry for your loss. Hope your mom gets along ok. What model Vex? Your Yukon is worth more than 400 for sure.

    Vexlar is a FL-8se better pictures attached

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I’m sorry for your loss Keith and hoping the best for you and your family.

    keith schuckert
    Posts: 39

    Update on what’s left

    Marcum camera is on hold
    Ice house in on hold
    2 of the sleds are on hold

    Still available
    Vexlar FL-8se asking 125
    Ice fishing combos 6 of them asking 30 for all.
    Striker Predator bibs 2XL wore once asking 150.
    Striker Hardware jacket no hood 2XL wore twice asking 150.
    Lakes and Rivers 2 man ice hub asking 100 brand new still in box never used.
    Eskimo Auger asking 120.

    Jerry K
    Coon Rapids
    Posts: 265

    Sorry for your loss….
    If you still have “Ice fishing combos 6 of them asking 30 for all”
    I suppose I could buy them and have something for the grandkids to use

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